Đề ôn tập kiểm tra Unit 9 đến 15 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.

16. He is going to get to work earlier in order impress the boss.

            A                B                                 C                                           D

17. They are planting trees by the roadside so that reduce the traffic noise.

   A                  B                                C                                      D

18. It’s a secret between us and I promise I don’t tell anybody.

            A                B                                      C                 D

19. You don’t have to keep medicines where children can get them.

                      A                         B                        C                D

20. The room got quietly when the professor came.

        A                      B               C                     D

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  1. 10. The animal ___ in the forest fire was a wild pig. a. hurt b. hurted c. hurts d. hurting 11. Would you mind ___ the window? a. to close b. closing c. about closing d. closed 12. Welcome ___ Springfield! a. at b. to c. in d. for 13. Accommodation in London — very expensive. a. is b. are c. has d. have 14. The road ___ down to the sea is very rough. a. goes b. going c. to go d. gone 15. ___ is a large hole in the side of a mountain or under the ground. a. Waterfall b. Cave c. Bay d. Lake III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English. 16. Since this is the first time you own a computer, do you mind if I give A B C D you some advice? 17. Da Lat is known like a city of pines, waterfalls and flowers. A B C D 18. There are notices showing arrivals and departs of trains. A B C D 19. They would like you telling them the truth. A B C D 20. It was so exciting to see those magnificently caves. A B C D IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. I have always wanted (21) ___ fishing. On the last day of my vacation, I went fishing on a beautiful lake. (22) ___, I didn’t catch any fish, and I got (23)___. I decided (24) ___ swimming. When I stood up, (25)___wallet fell out of my pocket, and into the water. It had all my money, my passport, my plane tickets - everything. I jumped into the lake to look (26)___it, but I didn’t find anything. I have never had such a terrible experience. wallet (n) cái ví pocket (n) túi (quần áo, v.v.) 21. a. go b. to go c. going d. to going 22. a. Unfortunately b. Luckily c. Certainly d. Daily 23. a. bore b. bored c. boring d. boringly 24. a. go b. going c. to go d. to going 25. a. me b. my c. mine d. myself 26. a. at b. after c. for d. in V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. Dalat is the capital of Lam Dong province in Vietnam. Its name derives from the language of the local ethnic group Lat and its meaning is ‘Stream of the Lat’. In Vietnam, Dalat is a popular tourist destination. It is famous for its temperate climate, beautiful sights such as waterfalls and lakes. It is also famous for vegetables and flowers such as orchids and roses. There is a wine-making industry, too. The average temperature is 17°C, and does not rise above 19°C in the hottest season. Its temperate climate is ideal for agricultural production. derive (v) xuất phát ideal (adj) lý tưởng wine (n) rượu vang 27. Where is Dalat?
  2. finding b. finds c. has found d. found 14. Why don’t you come ___ for dinner? a. about b. over c. up d. upon 15. III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English. 16. At breakfast yesterday, I did my homework and my dad was reading . A B C D a car magazine. 17. The farmer was riding to town while he fell off his horse. A B C D 18. Come up to my place and we will discuss it. A B C D 19. I will keep a day freely next week for our meeting. A B C D 20. She spent her free time visit gallaries and museum. A B C D IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. I can’t (21) ___ it, we’re really here! The flight to Quito (the capital) (22) ___ twenty- three hours. (23) ___ we arrived, we were taken on a tour of Quito, (24) ___ as a ‘hot dog’ by our guide because of its shape. After (25) ___ the city from high up, we went down town (26)___ the richly-decorated churches. 21. a. think b. believe c. know d. all are correct 22. a. took b. had c. got d. received 23. a. As soon as b. As long as c. As far as d. As near as 24. a. describe b. describes c. describing d. described 25. a. view b. viewed c. viewing d. views 26. a. see b. seeing c. to see d. to seeing V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. My husband and I had a problem about our holiday last year. I wanted to have a lazy seaside holiday because I was tired and needed to relax. I loved lying in the sun, drinking iced beer and reading a good book. But Robert liked busy, cultural holidays. He liked ‘visiting museum’s and art galleries. He hated sunbathing because he always went red, not brown. The travel agent tried to help us and suggested Greece. I said I love to sail to a quiet island, but of course Robert said he’d like to stay in Athens. It was easy to decide what to do, we flew to Athens together, Robert stayed there and I traveled to the island of Kos! 27. What is the passage written about? a. a trip to Greece b. a lazy seaside holiday c. a busy cultural holiday d. a problem about the holiday 28. The author ___ . a. liked sunbathing b. was tired and needed to relax c. liked a busy cultural holiday d. a & b are correct 29. What does the word ‘island’ in line 7 mean? a. a piece of land with water all around it b. a place in a desert that has trees and water c. a high piece of land that is not as high as a mountain d. a big area of salty water 30. Robert wanted ___ . a. to stay in Athens b. sunbathing
  3. A B C D 20. What exactly do you base that opinion in? A B C D IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. Harvest Festival is (21)___ October. It is a very ancient (22) ___ but it is also part of the Christian tradition. It (23) ___ new crops and food. Children often bring fruit, vegetables and cereals into school. Schools usually give the food to hospitals or (24) ___ old people. (25) ___ the past, people sometimes (26) ___ traditional dolls out of corn. 21. a. in b. at c. on d. from 22. a. thing b. festival c. vacation d. holiday 23. a. gives b. supplies c. celebrates d. holds 24. a. for b. to c. about d. of 25. a. In b. At c. On d. Since 26. a. make b. made c. making d. are making V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. Hi! I’m Dean. I’m from England. My favorite time of the year is Christmas, which is on 25 December. That’s when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. In the middle of December we send a lot of cards to our friends and family, here and abroad. Then we get a big tree and decorate it with lights and other things. On Christma Day, we give each other presents. We have one enormous meal with turkey, and after that, we have Christmas pudding. 27. When is Christmas held? a. On 25 December b. In the middle of December c. In the middle of the year d. no information 28. Christmas is held because Christians want to___ . a. have a good time b. celebrate the birth of Christ c. visit their friends and family d. decorate big trees 29. What does the word ‘decorate’ in line 5 mean? a. make something look nicer b. paint something c. make something look worse d. buy something 30. On Christmas Day, people___ . a. give each other presents b. have an enormous meal with turkey c. have Christmas pudding d. all are correct 31. Which of the following is not true? a. Dean is English. b. At Christmas, people get big trees and decorate it. c. Dean prefers Halloween to Christmas. d. In the middle of December, people send a lot of Christmas cards to their friends and family.
  4. A B C D 20. She showed me where did I left my luggage. A B C D IV Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. The Amazon (21)___in a stream near the top of a mountain which (22)___ Cerro Huagra. The stream is called the Huarco. (23)___the Huarco becomes a river which is known (24)___ the Ucayali. The Ucayali then becomes the Amazon. The (25)___of the Amazon from the (26)___ of the Huarco to the Atlantic Ocean is 6,448 kilometers. 21. a. begin b. began c. begins d. is beginning 22. a. call b. calls c. is call d. is calling 23. a. Lace b. Lately c. Later d. Latest 24. a. as b. so c. like d. alike 25. a. long b. length c. wide d. narrow 26. a. begin b. beginning c. start. D. starting V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best nswers each of the questions about it. Well, here I am in Peru on our South American tour. We got to Lima five days ago. We had a good journey. It took three days by bus, but we saw a lot of things on the way. We didn’t do much for the first two days, as a couple of the other guys were ill. We spent most of the time on the beach. (They are OK now!) On Wednesday, we came up to the mountains, and yesterday we went to the old Inca city of Machu Picchu and did some sightseeing. It was fantastic! We didn’t have a lot of time there, but we saw everything and I took a lot of photos. 27. Where was the author? a. In Peru b. In South America c. In Africa d. a & b are correct 28. The author went there___. a. by himself/ herself b. with some friends c. with his/ her best friend c. with his/ her brother 29. What does the word ‘they’ in a. days b. things c. the guys who were ill d. most of the time 30. What did they do? a. They spent most of the time on the beach. b. They came up to the mountains. c. They went to the old Inca city of Machu Picchu. d. all are correct 31. Who is the author? a. A tour guide b. A tourist c. A migrant d. A businessman Unit 15: COMPUTERS TEST 1 I. Choose the word thc has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1.a.access b.adjust c.freshman d.disagree 2.a.computer b.printer c.entertain d.concern
  5. 24. a. send b. sending c. tosend d. to sending 25. a. take b. leave c. send d. write 26. a. electricity b. electrical c. electric d. electronic V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d)that best answers each of the questions about it. - Place your computer on a flat table or desk. - Make sure your chair is a comfortable height. - Use a screen to protect you from dangerous X-rays. - Not place it near a fire or the central heating. - Not leave your computer in the sun. - Not put liquids on the computer; they may get inside. - Not eat while you’re working; food can fall into the keyboard. - Clean the computer and dust it regularly. - Keep the floppy disks clean and in their box. - Always switch off the computer and the screen when you finish. 27. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage? a. How to Use the Printer b. How to Set up the Computer c. How to Protect the Monitor Screen d. all are correct 28. You___ place your computer on a flat table or desk. a. should b. ought to c. must d. all are correct 29. What does the word ‘protect’ in line 3 mean? a. keep somebody safe b. help somebody do something c. give somebody something d. cover 30. You___ eat while you are working. a. shouldn’t b. don’t have to c. needn’t to d. all are 31. You mustn’t put liquids on the computer ___ they may get a. because b. so c. or d. a & c