Bài tập Tuần 22+23 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

I. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.

Don’t use disposable products. In a single year, people (1)____the - United States use enough disposable diapers (2)_____to the moon and back seven times. If you (3)____disposable products, use products made from (4)_____ materials. Also, recycle whenever possible. Recycling on aluminum can saves much energy to run a TV (5)_____three hours.

disposable (adj) dùng một lần                         diaper (n) tã lót

aluminum (n) nhôm

           1. A. in                             B. at                        C. on                       D. from

2. A. reach                        B. reaching             C. to reach              D. for reaching

3. A. have                         B. use                     C. sell                     D. hold

          4. A. recycle                      B. recycles             C. recycling           D. recycled

5. A. on                             B. at                        C. of                       D. for

doc 4 trang minhlee 04/03/2023 8060
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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tuần 22+23 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

  1. Khối 8: Tuần 22 UNIT 10: RECYCLING Part A: Reading Nội dung: việc làm giảm, tái chế và tái sử dụng đồ phế liệu như giấy, lon, chai nhựa, bọc nhựa, -Xem từ mới sau sách bài unit 10 I. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. Don’t use disposable products. In a single year, people (1)___the - United States use enough disposable diapers (2)___to the moon and back seven times. If you (3)___disposable products, use products made from (4)___ materials. Also, recycle whenever possible. Recycling on aluminum can saves much energy to run a TV (5)___three hours. disposable (adj) dùng một lần diaper (n) tã lót aluminum (n) nhôm 1. A. in B. at C. on D. from 2. A. reach B. reaching C. to reach D. for reaching 3. A. have B. use C. sell D. hold 4. A. recycle B. recycles C. recycling D. recycled 5. A. on B. at C. of D. for II. Read the following passage and choose the best answer You can recycle many types of glass. Glass food and beverage containers can be reused and recycled many times. (In fact, only bulbs, ceramic glass, dishes, and window glass can’t be recycled.) Glass is made from soda ash, sand, and lime. If it’s thrown away, it stays there indefinitely because glass never breaks down into its original ingredients. To be recycled, glass is sorted by color, crushed into small pieces, and melted down into a liquid. Then, it is molded into new glass containers. lime (n) vôi indefinitely (adv) vĩnh viễn sort (v) phân loại 1. Which of the following can be recycled? A. glass food and beverage containers B. bulbs C. ceramic glass D. dishes and window glass 2. What does the word ‘reuse’ in line 2 mean? A. use something again B. use all of something C. throw something away B. not buying things which are overpackaged 3. Glass ___. A. is made from soda ash, sand, and lime B. stays there indefinitely if it’s thrown away C. never breaks down into its original ingredients D. all are correct 4. What does the word ‘its’ in line 5 refer to? A. glass B. soda ash C. sand D. lime 5. When people recycle glass, they___. A. sort it by color and crush it into small pieces B. melt it into a liquid C. mould it into containers D. all are correct
  2. Tuần 23 I. Choose the best option 1.My friend suggested by bus. A. going B. to go C. go D. goes 2. The printer isn't working. Have you turned it ___ yet? A. on B. off C. up D. down 3.She took t o the zoo by his father yesterday. A. am B. was C. will be D. have been 4. We have lived here 2010. A. in B. for C. at D. since 5.We have lived in Nam Dinh over 20 years. A. in B. for C. from D. since 6. My sister English since she was 9. A. studied B. has studied C. study D. have studied 7. I bought that house April. A. on B. with C. in D. at 8. If a patient can’t walk, he can use ___to move around. A. an eye chart B. a stretcher C. a wheelchair D. a scale 9. Lan tried her best in order ___the contest. A. to pass B. pass C. passing D. passed 10. What about___to the zoo at this weekend? A. going B. to go C. go D. will go 11. They ___ new supermarket in my town for two years. A. build B. built C. has built D. have built 12. I___it 5 years ago a. have seen b. saw c. was seeing d. am seeing. 13. He promises he a good child. A. will be B. is C. was D. has been 14.He used .fishing when he was young. A. enjoying B. enjoys C. to enjoy D. enjoying 15. He has been away five days. A. at B. since C. in D. for 16. You must do your homework A. carefully B. care C. careful D. careless 17. My father was good at swimming. He used to . swimming in summer. A. goes B. went C. going D. go 18. Tom should his Spanish pronunciation. A. improve B. improved C. to improve D. improves 19. Children enjoy to traditional stories. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listen 20. Tom told his friend him the dictionary. A. give B. giving C. to give D. gives