Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 2: A2, 3 (P100, 101)


1. What does Hoa do every day?

2. What time does she get up?

3. What time does she go to bed?

ppt 10 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 6240
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 2: A2, 3 (P100, 101)

  1. LESSON 2: A2, 3. P 100&101
  2.  New words: - to put on: mặc (quần áo) = to wear - to put in: để vào - to polish: đánh bóng - to change (into): thay quần áo - pants (n): quần dài - to comb hair: chảy tóc
  3. Listen and put the pictures in the order you hear. 1 8 6 4 a b c d get up and take a go to bed change into red put a sandwich shower pants and shirt and a bottle of water in her bag 2 3 5 7 e f g h polish her shoes have breakfast eat sandwich and iron her clothes drink some water
  4. 3. Read Nam’s diary. Write about yourself. Complete a diary entry like Nam’s. Then practice with your partner. Ask these questions. What do you do every day? What time do you (get up / eat breakfast / go to bed )?
  5. See you again