Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first-aid course - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng


What is happening to this boy?

" He’s having a nose bleed.

Practice the first aid for him

Student 1: Play the role of this boy.

Student 2: Tell the steps of the first aid to this situation.

Student 3: Practice as the suggested steps.

ppt 19 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 1600
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first-aid course - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

  1. Wednesday, January 8th 2019 Lesson 2: Speak & Listen Listen Vocabulary: - a wheelchair: xe ®Èy - a crutch: c©y n¹ng - an eye chart: b¶ng ®o thÞ lùc - a scale: c¸i c©n - a stretcher: c¸i c¸ng
  2. Listen Put the letters in the correct order as you hear Answer: F B A D E C
  3. Fill in the blank with a suitable word you have heard 1.Someone with a broken leg often uses crutches. 2.A nurse is pushing an empty wheelchair towards the exit.
  4. The first aid for this situation - Try to stop bleeding by letting him stand straight and raise his head behind. - Cover the bleeding nose with the cotton ball.
  5. have a have a cut broken leg have a bee sting Situations which have a burn need first-aid have a snake bite have a nose bleed - have a dog bite, - have a bad fall
  6. How can I say in these situations? 1, I want you to pass me my bag. 2, I’d like you to come to my birthday party. 3, I tell my parents that I will come home before luchtime. 1, Will you pass me my bag, please? 2, Would you like to come to my birthday party? 3, I propmise I will come home before luchtime.
  7. Look at the pictures and identify the situations in it request offer / request request / offer offer promise
  8. - Can you help me? → Sure. I can get you a bandage. - Can I get you some water? →Yes, please. - I promise I will not do it again. → I hope so.