Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 8: English speaking countries - Lesson 1: Getting started

Decide the statements are true or false?
1. Nick is at national summer camp.                                    

2. Your English has improved a lot.                    

3. He has made many friends from English            

 speaking countries.

4. He can't practise English with native speakers.   

5. He comes back home on July 15th.                   

ppt 14 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 5580
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 8: English speaking countries - Lesson 1: Getting started

  1. Good afternoon everybody
  2. Answer the questions: 1: Where are the children? 2: What do you think they are doing?
  3. New words: - áwesome (adj) : tuyệt vời - ófficial lánguage (n): ngôn ngữ chính - nátive speáker (n) : người bản xứ - áccent ( n) : giọng điệu
  4. Decide the statements are true or false? 1. Nick is at national summer camp. F 2. Your English has improved a lot. T 3. He has made many friends from English T speaking countries. 4. He can't practise English with native speakers.F 5. He comes back home on July 15th. T
  5. 1b. Read the conversation again and answer the quetions: 1.Where is Phong ? - He is at international summer camp ( in Singapore) 2.Where do the campers come from? - They come from different countries/ from all over the wold. 3.What has Phong done so far? - He has made new friends, visited places,(and taken part in different activites.) 4.Why has he been able to improve his English? - Because he uses English every day with poeple from different countries. 5.Who are in the same team with Phong? - Two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA 6.When can Nick see phong? - After July 15 th
  6. 3. Put the names of the countries under their flags New Zealand Singapore Australia The USA Canada The United Kingdom 1 2 3 4 5 6
  7. Homework Rewrite these sentences as directed : 1. Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental issues at school.(.Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 2) →If 2. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned.Factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and lakes. ( Rewrite the sentence, using ‘Because’) → Because 3. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job. (Rewrite this sentence, using the cue) → In spite of 4. Most ethnic peoples in Vietnam speak their own languagues ( Make question for the underlined part ) → 5. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another ( Use UNLESS instead of IF) →Unless