Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling - Lesson 4 : Read (Page 92, 93) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Võ Thị Rạng Đông

Ex1: People can melt glass.

à Glass can be melted (by people).

Ex2: People refill the empty bottles.

à The empty bottles are refilled.

Passive with (dạng bị động với) :

1/ Modal Verbs:

S + M.V + BE + V- ed/3 (by+O)

2/ S. present :

S + AM/IS/ARE + V- ed/3 (by+O)

-Use: chỉ CHỦ NGỮ (thường là vật) bị tác động bởi người khác hay vật khác.

Meaning: “… (có thể) bị/ được …”

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling - Lesson 4 : Read (Page 92, 93) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Võ Thị Rạng Đông

  2. Thursday, April 10th, 2020 (Week : 1 - Period : 1)
  3. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Pre-teach *Vocabulary: - (a) floor covering : tấm lót nền nhà
  4. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Pre-teach *Vocabulary: (to) refill - refilled : làm đầy lại
  5. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Pre-teach *Vocabulary: - (a) deposit : tiền đặt cọc
  6. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Pre-teach * Vocabulary: - (a) tire (US) = (a) tyre : Vỏ xe - (a) floor covering : tấm lót nền nhà - (a) pipe : ống dẫn (nước,dầu, ) - (to) refill →refilled:làm đầy lại - glassware (unc) : đồ thuỷ tinh - (a) deposit : tiền đặt cọc - (to) melt →melted: làm nóng chảy ra 
  7. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Set the scene “The Green Gazette” → Recycling facts
  8. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 While-reading *Choose each item in (A) to fill in each blank in (gap-fill) (B) to complete sentence about recycling: A B A/ Car tires 1) are cleaned and refilled (with milk) B/ Milk bottles 2) are brought back for recycling. C/ Glass 3) are recycled to make pipes and floor recoverings. D/ Drink cans 4) is made into compost. E/ Household 5) is broken up, melted and made and garden into new glassware. waste Answer: 1)- B 2)- D 3)- A 4)- E 5)- C
  9. d) What is compost made from? - Compost is made from household and garden waste.
  10. e) If you have a recycling story to share, how can you share it? - If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax at 5 265 456.
  11. b) What happens to the glass when it is sent to the factory? -The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
  12. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 Post-reading Discuss to find out things which we can recycle. -Household and Milk bottles garden waste Plastic bags Glass Things we can recycle -Car tires Vegetable matter Drink cans
  13. (Week: 22 - Period: 64) UNIT 10 : RECYCLING - LESSON 4: READ / P.92-93 - Learn the vocabulary by heart. - Do exercise 1, 2 /P.93-SGK again. - Prepare: WRITE +Voc:- (to) soak , -(to) mix, (to) scatter, -(a) mixture, (a) tray, (a) mesh, (a) mosquito pictures
  14. RECYCLING Ngôi nhà được trang trí bằng chai lọ
  15. reuse (The end) Hom.W