Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling - Lesson 3: Language focus (P95, 97) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Hứa Thị Thu Xương

* Notes:

- Bắt buộc bỏ BY O khi chủ từ là People, Someone, Somebody, Everyone, Everybody, ...

- Có thể bỏ BY O khi chủ từ là I, We, You, They, He, She, It.

- Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn + BY O +Trạng từ chỉ thời gian.

- Khi Chủ từ là “Noone, Nobody” thì khi bỏ BY O phải thêm NOT.

Ex: Noone believes his story. ---> His story is not belived.

ppt 23 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2140
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  1. GOOD MORNING, CLASS ! Teacher: Hứa Thị Thu Xương
  2. Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 Lesson 3: LANGUAGE FOCUS p. 95 - 97
  3. * Form: 1. HTĐ: S + am/ is/ are + V-3/ed + (by O) 2. HTTD: S + am / is / are + BEING + V-3/ed + (by O) 3. QKĐ: S + was / were + V-3/ed + (by O) 4. QKTD: S + was / were + BEING + V-3/ed + (by O) 5. TLĐ: S + will + BE + V-3/ed + (by O) 6. HTHT: S + have / has + BEEN + V-3/ed + (by O) 7. Động từ đặc biệt : (can, may, must, have to/has to, could, might, should, be going to, ) S + ĐTĐB+ BE + V-3/ed (+ by O)
  4. * Change the following sentences into passive forms. a/ He will buy a new car. → A new car will be bought (by him). b/ Daisy cooks some food in the kitchen. → Some food is cooked in the kitchen by Daisy. c/ Somebody used this laptop. → This laptop was used. d/ She watches a film in the living room everyday. → A film is watched in the living room every day. e/ People have closed the windows. → The windows have been closed. f/ Nga is writing a letter at the moment. → A letter is being written by Nga at the moment.
  5. 3. Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. easy / understand dangerous / go difficult / follow hard / believe important / wait a) Ba: Turn right, then left, then right and then left again. Nam: It’s difficult to follow your directions. Can you start again please? b) Mr. Dao: Can you do the exercise, Hoa? Hoa: Yes, Mr. Dao. It’s (1) easy . to understand c) Lan: In the future, mankind might live on the moon. Nga: Really? It’s (2) hard to believe d) Mrs. Thoa: Stop, Tuan! It’s (3) dangerous to go near the stove. Tuan: Sorry, Mom. e) Hoa: Should I stir the mixture, Aunt Thanh? Aunt Thanh: No. It’s (4) . .important to wait for five minutes.
  6. * Choose the best option: 1.These beautiful pictures ___ from recycled paper. A. make B. makes C. is made D. are made 2. I’m very happy ___ a letter from my family. A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. received 3. We are delighted ___ you will join our group. A. then B. that C. which D. there 4. A decision___ until the next meeting. A. does not make B. will not make C. are not made D. will not be made 5. Gold ___ in California in the nineteenth century. A. was discovered B. has been discovered C. will be discovered D. is discovered
  8. VOCABULARY - sugar cane (n): cây mía
  9. VOCABULARY - corn (n): bắp
  10. VOCABULARY - luggage (n): hành lí
  11. * Structures: Câu đề nghị lịch sự Ex: - Would you mind opening the window? - Would you mind if I took a photo? - Do you mind if I take a photo? Form: - Would you mind/Do you mind + V-ing ? - Would you mind if + I + V-2/ed ? - Do you mind if + I + Vo ? Usage: dùng để đề nghị người khác làm gì Meaning: Bạn có phiền hay không?