Nội dung ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Hệ 7 năm) - Tuần 20+21 - Trường THCS Chu Văn An

۞ Ex:

  • I turned the heating on because it was cold. (Vì trời lạnh nên tôi mở lò sưởi)
  • We watched TV all evening as we had nothing better to do. (Chúng tôi xem phim suốt buổi tối vì chúng tôi không có gì hay hơn để làm)
  • Since he had not paid his bill, his eletriccity was cut off. (Vì anh ấy không thanh toán hóa đơn nên điện bị cắt)
doc 6 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 3680
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Nội dung text: Nội dung ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Hệ 7 năm) - Tuần 20+21 - Trường THCS Chu Văn An

  1. KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM TUẦN 20 VÀ 21 (Các em tự ôn tập và làm bài tập nghiêm túc trước khi xem ANSWER KEYS nhe!) A- VOCABULARY UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT (Moâi tröôøng) 1. environment N Moâi tröôøng, moâi sinh -> environmental Adj Thuoäc veà moâi tröôøng 2. dump N Baõi ñoå, nôi chöùa -> garbage dump N Baõi raùc, nôi ñoå raùc 3. deforestation N Söï taøn phaù röøng, naïn phaù röøng -> to deforest N Phaù röøng, phaùt quang 4. pollution N Söï oâ nhieãm -> air pollution N Söï oâ nhieãm khoâng khí -> to pollute V Gaây oâ nhieãm, laøm oâ nhieãm 5. dynamite N Thuoác noå -> to dynamite V Phaù huyû baèng thuoác noå 6. to spray V Phun, xòt 7. pesticide N Thuoác tröø saâu 8. to conserve V Giöõ gì, baûo toàn -> conservation N Söï baûo toàn -> conservationist N Ngöôøi laøm vieäc ñeã baûo veä m tröôøng 9. shore N Bôø bieån, bôø hoà, bôø soâng 10. to check V Kieåm tra, xem xeùt -> check N Cuoäc kieåm tra 11. sand N Caùt 12. disappointed Adj Thaát voïng To disappoint V Laøm (ai) thaát voïng, laøm naõn loøng 13. to spoil V Laøm hö, laøm hoûng, phaù hoûng 14. to give out V Phaùt, phaân phoái 15. to achieve V Ñaït ñöôïc, giaønh ñöôïc
  2. 41. refreshment N Ñoà aên thöùc uoáng, moùn aên nheï 42. smell N Muøi, muøi hoâi, muøi khoù chòu -> to smell V Ngöûi, ngöûi thaáy 43. fly N Con ruoài 44. to float V Noåi, troâi leành beành 45. frog N Con eách 46. toad N Con coùc 47. to prohibit V Caám, ngaên caám -> prohibition N Söï ngaên caám 48. to fine V Phaït tieàn -> fine N Tieàn phaït B- GRAMMAR I/ ADVERB CLAUSES OF REASON (MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ LÝ DO) + Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ lý do là một mệnh đề phụ thường bắt đầ bằng các liên từ: because, since, as (do, vì, bởi vì) S1 + V + because, since, as + S2 + V Main clause adverb clauses of reason :Ex ۞ - I turned the heating on because it was cold. (Vì trời lạnh nên tôi mở lò sưởi) - We watched TV all evening as we had nothing better to do. (Chúng tôi xem phim suốt buổi tối vì chúng tôi không có gì hay hơn để làm) - Since he had not paid his bill, his eletriccity was cut off. (Vì anh ấy không thanh toán hóa đơn nên điện bị cắt) + Because of: S1 + V + because of + noun / noun phrase. Main clause adverb clauses of reason :Ex ۞ - We cancelled our flight because the weather was bad. - = We cancelled our flight because of the bad weather. (Chúng tôi phải hủy chuyến bay vì thời tiết xấu) Lưu ý: - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do có thể đứng trước hoặc đứng sau mệnh đề chính. Khi mệnh đề đứng trước, giữa hai mệnh đề có dấu phẩy “,” :Ex ۞
  3. 3. I/ anxious./ he/ shouldn't/ find out. 4. It/ obvious/ they/ happy together. 5. It/ funny/ her mother/ should/ do/ a thing like that. Answer key: 1. I'm glad (that) you're feeling better. 2. We were surprised to find that he had already left 3. I'm anxious (that) he shouldn't find out. 4. It's obvious (that) they're happy together 5. It's funny (that) her mother should do a thing like that. II/ Put the verbs in the correct form: 1) I ( remember) you if you ( give) me a photo. 2/ If he (study) ___ harder, he can pass an exam. 3/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ___. 4/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) ___ him. 5/ If you are kind to me, I (be) ___ good to you. 6/ If he (give) ___ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again. 7/ You (not pass) ___ your driving test unless you drive more carefully. 8/ He’ll be ill if he (not stop) ___ worrying so much. 9/ We’ll go to the beach tomorrow if it ( be) ___ nice. 10/ Jane ( get) ___there on time if the train leaves soon. Answer key: 1. will remember / give 2. studies 3. doesn’t hurry 4. see 5. will be 6. gives 7. won’t pass 8. doesn’t stop 9. is 10. gets III- Combine these pairs of sentences. Use connectives because, as, or since Example: Thu stayed home. She had a bad cold. —> Thu stayed home because she had a bad cold. 1-My father went to his office late. There was an accident that caused a traffic-jam. 2. The weather was so bad. We had to cancel our trip. 3-You cannot drink water from that well. It is impure. 4-Some rare animals were killed. Somebody burned the forest. 5-The Dong Nai river is polluted. Many factories let their waste chemical: run directly into the river. 6-The children felt very happy. They all passed the final examination excellently. 7-We turned all the light on. It got so dark inside the house Answer key: