Exercises on double comparison

v Comparative + and + comparative

1. The company expended rapidly. It grew ______________ all the time (big)

2. Cathy got __________________ in her job. In the end she left. (bored)

3. My bags seemed to get __________________ as I carried them. (heavy)

4. As I waited for my interview, I became ____________________. (nervous)

5. Heath care is becoming ____________________. (expensive)

6. As the conversation went on, Paul became ___________________. (talkative)

7. These days _____________________ people are learning English. (many)

8. Te company’s share price went ___________________. (high)

9. Life got _______________ for boss Bob Watts as the company became _________________. (good – successful)

doc 5 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 660
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  1.  Comparative + and + comparative 1. The company expended rapidly. It grew ___ all the time (big) 2. Cathy got ___ in her job. In the end she left. (bored) 3. My bags seemed to get ___ as I carried them. (heavy) 4. As I waited for my interview, I became ___. (nervous) 5. Heath care is becoming ___. (expensive) 6. As the conversation went on, Paul became ___. (talkative) 7. These days ___ people are learning English. (many) 8. Te company’s share price went ___. (high) 9. Life got ___ for boss Bob Watts as the company became ___. (good – successful)  the the 1. The crowded became increasingly angry at the long delay. 2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. 3. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed. 4. I don’t spend much time with my family because I work so hard. 5. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars come into the city. 6. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get. 7. The idea becomes less attractive as I think about it more. 8. It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired. 9. The service of a hotel depends on how expensive it is.  Comparative + and + comparative 1. The company expended rapidly. It grew ___ all the time (big) 2. Cathy got ___ in her job. In the end she left. (bored) 3. My bags seemed to get ___ as I carried them. (heavy) 4. As I waited for my interview, I became ___. (nervous) 5. Heath care is becoming ___. (expensive) 6. As the conversation went on, Paul became ___. (talkative) 7. These days ___ people are learning English. (many) 8. Te company’s share price went ___. (high) 9. Life got ___ for boss Bob Watts as the company became ___. (good – successful)  the the 1. The crowded became increasingly angry at the long delay. 2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. 3. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed. 4. I don’t spend much time with my family because I work so hard. 5. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars come into the city. 6. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get. 7. The idea becomes less attractive as I think about it more. 8. It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired. 9. The service of a hotel depends on how expensive it is.
  2.  Choose the best answer 1.___ you study for these exams, ___ you will do. a. The harder / the better b. The more / the much c. The hardest / the best d. The more hard / the more good, 2. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that ___ it is at night, ___ he plays his music! a. the less / the more loud b. the less / less c. the more late / the more loudlier d. the later / the louder 3. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become ___. a. more and more good b. better arid better c. the more and more good d. gooder and gooder 4. The Sears Tower is ___ building in Chicago. a. taller b. the more tall c. the tallest d. taller and taller 5. Petrol is ___ it used to. a. twice as expensive as b. twice expensive more than c. twice more than expensive d. more expensive than twice 6. Peter is ___ John. a. younger and more intelligent than b. more young and intelligent than c. more intelligent and younger than d. the more intelligent and younger than 7. San Diego is town in Southern California. a. more nice and nice b. the nicer c. the nicest d. nicer and nicer 8. It gets ___ when the winter is coming. a. cold and cold b. the coldest and coldest c. colder and colder d. more and more cold 9. Robert does not have ___ Peter does. a. money more than b. as many money as c. more money as d. as much money as 10. The Mekong Delta is ___ deltas in Vietnam. a. the largest of the two b. the more larger of the two c. one of the two largest d. one of the two larger 11. Cuba is ___ sugar-growing areas in the world. a. One of the larger b. One of largest c. One of the largest d. Largest. 12. There were two small rooms in the beach house, ___served as kitchen. a. The smaller of which. b. The smaller of them. c. The smallest of which. d. Smallest of that. 13. Last year, Matt earned ___ his brother. a. Twice as much as b. Twice as many as c. Twice more than d. Twice as more as 14. The more she worked, ___ a. The less she achieved c. She achieve not enough b. She did not achieving enough d. She was achieving less. 15. Your bike is 3times ___
  3. 1. The prettier a girl is, the more badly she studies A B C D 2. The product that you bought at the lower price is the more beter than the one that ABCD I had bought. 3. Louis is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play. A B C D