Bài tập Tuần 24 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Sách mới)

Now answer. Number the sentences.(Bây giờ trả lời. Đánh số các câu)

 ____a) The nurse weighed Hoa.

_____ b) Hoa returned to the waiting room.

____ c) Hoa left the waiting room.

____ d) The nurse called Hoa’s name.

____ e) The nurse measured Hoa.

____ f) Hoa filled in her medical record.

____ g) The nurse took Hoa's temperature.

____ h) The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tuần 24 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Sách mới)

  1. .UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A – A CHECK-UP - A1  Vocabulary: 1. medical check up /ˈmedɪkl ˈtʃek ʌp/ (n) ___ 2. medical record /ˈmedɪkl ˈrekɔːd/ (n) ___ 3. take one’s temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ (v) ___ 4. measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ (v) ___ 5. height /haɪt/ (v) ___ 6. scale /skeɪl/ (n) ___ 7. weigh /weɪ/ (v) ___ Now answer. Number the sentences.(Bây giờ trả lời. Đánh số các câu) ___a) The nurse weighed Hoa. ___ b) Hoa returned to the waiting room. ___ c) Hoa left the waiting room. ___ d) The nurse called Hoa’s name. ___ e) The nurse measured Hoa. ___ f) Hoa filled in her medical record. ___ g) The nurse took Hoa's temperature. ___ h) The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY B – WHAT’ WAS WRONG WITH YOU? (B1, p.110) 1. Vocabulary: - ___ /hæv ə bæd kould/ (v) bị cảm nặng - ___ / stei in'said/ (adv) ở bên trong - ___ /'ɔ:ful/ (adj) xấu tệ, kinh khủng - ___ /sik nout/ (n) giấy xin phép nghỉ ốm - ___ /'vairəs/ (n) vi rút, bệnh nhiễm vi rút Now answer. (Bây giờ trả lời.) a) Why didn't Lan go to school yesterday? ___ b) What was wrong with her? ___ c) What does Mr. Tan tell Lan to do? ___ d) What did the doctor say about Lan's problem? ___ ___ e) Who wrote Lan's sick note? ___ more exercise Task 1: My name is John, and this is my story. Last year, just before Christmas my family and our cousins and uncle and aunt decided to go to Perth for holiday. We went in two cars but when we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back. He said it was too far, and it was terribly hot too. One day it was 48oC. Even at night it was very hot. Anyway, what we decided to do was to drive back about 160 km to a place where the train went through. Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Perth by train. That was fun. It was a good train. We had a good time in Perth but we had to cut our holiday short. You see, why we were there my grandmother in Melbourne died. Most of us flew back but my Dad and my uncle came on the train with the cars and then had to drive back to Melbourne from Port Pirie. It was a really strange holiday because nothing went the way we planned it. 1. When did the John’s family go to the Perth? A. before Christmas B. before Easter C. before Thanksgiving C. before the New Year. 2. Why did John’s uncle and want to come back? A. because it was too hot B. Because it was too far.