Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Preserving the environment

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others

1. A. energy B. finally C. hospital D. denial
2. A. beautiful B. consumption C. offensive D. aquatic
3. A. organize B. picturesque C. engineer D. afternoon
4. A. article B. chemical C. etiquette D. Japanese
5. A. employee B. committee C. referee D. absentee
6. A. confusion B. degraded C. editor D.pollutant
7. A. pesticide B. habitat C. important D. adventure
8. A. dangerous B. harmony C. natural D. mountaineer
9. A. animal B. destruction C. unfriendly D. solution
10. A. government B. understand C. mystery D. tropical
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  1. GRADE 10 UNIT 9 PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others 1. A. energy B. finally C. hospital D. denial 2. A. beautiful B. consumption C. offensive D. aquatic 3. A. organize B. picturesque C. engineer D. afternoon 4. A. article B. chemical C. etiquette D. Japanese 5. A. employee B. committee C. referee D. absentee 6. A. confusion B. degraded C. editor D.pollutant 7. A. pesticide B. habitat C. important D. adventure 8. A. dangerous B. harmony C. natural D. mountaineer 9. A. animal B. destruction C. unfriendly D. solution 10. A. government B. understand C. mystery D. tropical Choose the best answers to complete the sentences : 1. There is a water because it hasn’t rained for a long time. A. shortage B. short C. shortest D. shorter 2. One of the aims of Greenpeace is to of the environmental problems facing our planet. A. take responsibility B. arouse interest C. raise concern D. raise awareness 3. The creation of nature reserves will help to ensure the of many endangered species A. extinction B. survival C. elimination D. disappearance 4. ___ are very anxious about the falling rhino population. B. Environmental A. Environmentalists C. Conservationists D. Naturalists activities 5. Earth day was started by John McConnell in 1970 as a way to make people the problems of the environment A. attention to B. responsible with C. aware of D. attentive to 6. The heavily polluted water near the factory the safety of the local people. A. endangers B. preserves C. contaminates D. is threatened 7. The huge oil slick is moving slowly towards Ireland, and several miles of coastline are under A. threat B. stake C. pressure D. damage 8. Tornadoes are very dangerous because there is , and people do not have much time to find a safe place A. small warning B. a lot of warning C. little warning D. few warning 9. We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and A. honest B. honesty C. honestly D. honested 10. Several are known to cause cancer to develop. A. chemist B. chemistry C. chemical D. chemicals
  2. D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district 6. He his new friend that he had worked as a coordinator for more than 4 years A. told B. insisted C. thought D. agreed 7. Her boss wanted to know where 2 years before. A. did she work B. had she worked C. she has worked D. she had worked 8. They the foreigner where he came from A. asked B. said C. informed D. stated 9. He apologized late A. for coming B. came C. has come D. had come 10. One of the main area of this organization is the sustainableuse of natural resources. A. maintainable B. forgettable C. visible D. vegetable 11. For the of environment and for the people who live in it, we must eliminate pollution immediately. A. sick B. rich C. sake D. harmful 12. The reporter said that factory down the day before. A. had burned B. has been burned C. burns D. has burned 13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. attention B. agreement C. protector D. chemical 14. He his employees that the schedule has been changed. A. informed B. agreed C. said D. thought 15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. animal B. appointment C. designer D. erosion 16. He promised his assignment on time A. submit B. to submit C. submitted D. submitting 17. Choose the answer which needs correcting: He asked his father when would he deal with the problem A B C D 18. Choose the answer which needs correcting: They announced that he has met a number of key figures the day before A B C D 19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. extinction B. detergent C. newsletter D. appointment 20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. consumption B. pesticide C. destruction D. disposal Read the passage below and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE? Many environmental problems seem so big that only governments, local authorities or big companies can deal with them. One example is global warming. We need government action to reduce emissions from coal and oil burning power stations and to develop safer sources of power. These require tough regulations and huge investment. The loss of forests and other habitat is another problem. How can we as individuals stop the destruction of the Amazon or Indonesian rain forests? Yet
  3. Question 8: A. so B. but C. and D. or Question 9: A. make B. have C. get D. do Question 10: A. use B. used C. are using D. have been using Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these following questions Nature gave us all necessary resources to live and prosper. Now it is in danger and needs our help. What else we can do to protect environment? First of all this decisions must be made on governmental level and provide legal limitations for industries that emit a lot of greenhouse gases. We must unite together in order to protect the place we live in. People are an integral part of nature, we are dependent of it as we cannot imagine our life without nature. So why to destroy environment and bite the hand that feeds you? We must stop deforestation and plant trees on cut down areas. Trees are natural filter of air that absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Cutting down trees we deprive animals of their natural environment and the soil begin to grow in erosion. Planting trees will save birds and other animals. We often make forced choices that are advertised on TV. Manufacturers try to rise their profits and sell more products. Sometimes we have so many unnecessary things we do not use. Imagine that you are moving your house, what are the necessary items you may need to live, only several bags. In reality the matter is opposite. There are a lot of things we do not use. People have to reconsider their views of life and promote healthy and ecologically friendly lifestyle. It is up to us to change situation for better and leave good legacy for generations to come. Question 11: What is in danger and need our help? A. people B. water C. nature D. weather Question 12: Are we dependent on nature? A. Yes we are B. No, we’re not Question 13: Why should we plant trees? A. To save animals B. To sell woods C. To deforest D. To prevent flood Question 14: What do the writer take moving house as an example for? A. We move house so many times. B. We have so many unnecessary things we do not use. C. We waste money so much.