Bài tập ôn tập Unit 7 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm)

II>Put the verbs in italics into the present perfect or present perfect progressive,or both:

1. How long /you / know/ these people?


2. These traditional customs / be establish/ for ages.


3 . 1 / work/ hard for years, but I / not accumulate/ any wealth.


4. I'm sorry I /  not call/ you. I / not feel/ well lately.


5 . 1 / read/ a book about ancient Greece. I / read/ it for the third time.


6. The number of women working in the UK / rise/ steadily for several decades.


7. The number of working women in China /  increase/ from 49% in1980 to nearly 65% today.


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  1. 11- thí điểm – Unit7: I> Fill in the blanks using the past simple or past prosressive o f the verbs from the box. lecture not mind find learn work ask come attend not leave dress A Korean student told me that while he (1)___a school in the United States three years ago, he (2)___a lot of things about the lifestyle of Americans, which was not the same as that in Korea. For example, some teachers in the American high school dressed casually when they (3)___to class. Many teachers (4)___their students' interrupting them while they (5)___the lessons. That student said he was at first embarrassed when his American friends (6)___him to share the bill of theừ dinner. But later, he (7)___ out that it is the way most Americans do. During the last summer vacation, while Asian students were traveline,many American students (8)___to earn money to pay their tuitions in the next school year even though their parents were rich and could afford to pay for their children’s school expenses. II>Put the verbs in italics into the present perfect or present perfect progressive,or both: 1. How long /you / know/ these people? 2. These traditional customs / be establish/ for ages. . 3 . 1 / work/ hard for years, but I / not accumulate/ any wealth. 4. I'm sorry I / not call/ you. I / not feel/ well lately. 5 . 1 / read/ a book about ancient Greece. I / read/ it for the third time. . 6. The number of women working in the UK / rise/ steadily for several decades. 7. The number of working women in China / increase/ from 49% in1980 to nearly 65% today. III>Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense. 1/ I (try) ___ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) ___ yet. 2/ She (read) ___ all the works of Dickens.How many (you read) ___ ? 3/ I (wait) ___ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think she (forget) ___ to come ? 4/ Mary (rest) ___ in the garden all day because she (be) ___ ill. 5/ Although John (study) ___ at the University for 5 years, he (not get) ___ his degree yet. 6/ Jack (go) ___ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be) ___ there. 7/ We (live) ___ here for the last six months, and (just, decide) ___ to move. 8/ That book ( lie) ___ on the table for weeks. You (not read) ___ it yet ? 9/ He (not be) ___ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) ___ since then. 10/ He (lose) ___ his books. He (look) ___ for them all afternoon, but they (not turn up) ___ yet. 11/ She (work) ___ so hard this week that she (not have) ___ time to go to the cinema. 12/ Your hair is wet. (You swim) ___ for a long time ? 13/ Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive)___ cars for six years. 14/ You look very tired. (You work) ___very hard ? 15/ The phone (ring) ___ for 2 minutes, but I (not answer) ___ it yet. IV>Put the verbs in brackets in the present tenses. 1/ I (be) ___ sorry. I (forget) ___ that fellow’s name already. 2/ Jack (look) ___ forward to his vacation next June.
  2. Reading Text a) Read the instructions on how to apply for admission to a college or university in Viet Nam and in the U.S.A. APPLICATION PROCEDURES IN VIET NAM 1. Applicants are required to take the National Entrance Examinations before being admitted to higher education institutions. Application forms for these examinations must be submitted before the deadline, often in April. An application fee must be included. 2. Application for admission will not be processed without a high school diploma; so high school students have to pass the National High School Graduation Exam in early June. 3. The National Entrance Examinations are held in early July, and results will be notified in late August. Applicants can take the National Enhance Examinations wherever their application fomis are submitted. 4. Acceptance notices will be sent to applicants whose scores meet the requirements of admission. Copies of their academic records should be submitted in time before the new school year. FRESHMAN APPLICATION PROCEDURES IN THE U.S,A, Students are required to complete the following steps when applying for admission as first-time freshmen: 1. An application for admission must be completed. Application forms can be obtained from ứie institution's admissions office. An application fee must be included. 2. Official high school transcripts must be sent to the institution s admissions office before the deadline. An official GED Certificate may be used in the absence of a high school diploma. 3. The scores on either the SAT or the ACT must be submitted. Colleges and universities use these scores to help predict a studenLS future success in higher education. High school students usually take these examinations in their junior year or early in their senior year. INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES IN THE U.S.A. In addilion to the freshman application procedures above, international students must complete the following: 1. All high school transcripts must be translated into English and certified by appropriate authorilies. 2. Applicants whose native language is no( English must submit results of the TOEFL test with required scores. 3. Applicants must be able to support themselves and / or able 10 prove financial support from a sponsor. Submit the affidavit of support and financial documents. 4. If you are admitted, you will receive an acceptance letter. You will receive Form I-20 or the Certificate of Eligibility signed by a school official after you have made a deposit on your first semester student bill. You must have Form I-20 lo apply for your F-l student visa. Check ( ^ ) whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). For the false statements, the correct information. T F 1. Vietnamese students have to take an entrance exam to go in to a college or university. ___ __ 2. A high school diploma is no( needed to enter a higher education institution in Viet Nam.___ __ 3. Students in the U.S.A. have to take the entrance examinations to colleges or universities. ___ __ 4. No application fee is required in the U.S.A. ___ __ 5. Official high school transcripts must be sent to the institution's admissions office. ___ __ 6. American students take the SAT or ACT lesl in high school to be qualified for higher education institutions. ___ __ 7. International students must have their high school transcripts translated into English and certified by appropriate authorities. ___ __ 8. All international applicants must submit official TOEFL I Iscores. 9. International students must write a letter stating that they have enough money for their expenses. ___ 10. Form 1-20 from a college or a university is needed for your F-1 student visa. ___ __ b ) Find the abbreviations in the readins fo r these phrases. General Educational Development ___ Scholastic Assessment Test ___ American College Test ___ Test of English as a Foreign Language ___