Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson 2: Speak (P66, 67) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Hứa Thị Thu Xương

         Some expressions are used to give and respond to compliments:

* Give a compliment:

- Well done.

- That’s a great /an exellent + N.

- Let me congratulate you on +N /V-ing.

- Congratulations.

* Respond to a compliment:

- Thanks./ Thank you (very much).

- It’s nice of you to say so.

- That’s very kind of you (to say so).

ppt 23 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2180
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson 2: Speak (P66, 67) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Hứa Thị Thu Xương

  1. Monday, April 13th, 2020 Lesson 2 : SPEAK p. 66 - 67 Lesson 3 : READ p. 68 - 69 Teacher: Hứa Thị Thu Xương
  2. Monday, April 13th, 2020 Lesson 2 : SPEAK p. 66-67 Teacher: Hứa Thị Thu Xương
  3. Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest. Well done, Thanks. Trang. What does Mai say to congratulate Trang Mai Trang?
  4. * Read the following situations with a partner, then give and respond to appropriate compliments. a/ Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest. Thanks. Well done, Trang. Trang Mai
  5. b/ On her mother’s birthday, Huyen made a beautiful cake to celebrate. Mother: Well done,. Huyen. Huyen : Thanks, mom.
  6. d/ Hoa brings to class a new picture she has painted. You: That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa. Hoa: That’s very kind of you to say so.
  7. * Think of situations . Make up dialogues to give and respond to appropriate compliments. Situation 1: Tu has just passed the graduation examination . Friends: Congratulations! Tu: Thanks. Situation 2: Hoa made an excellent report on saving energy. Teacher: .That’s an excellent report, Hoa. Hoa: It’s nice of you to say so. Situation 3: Lan got high mark for English. You: .Well done, Lan Lan: Thanks. Situation 4: Minh has just won the first prize in show game “ Rung Chuong Vang”. Friends: .Congratulations, Minh! Minh: Thank you very much.
  8. Do you love your parents? What do you think about your Dad ?
  9. * Vocabulary: - hug (n= v) : ôm - considerate (adj) : ân cần, chu đáo - priority (n) : sự ưu tiên - distinguish (v) : phân biệt - terrific = wonderful (adj) : tuyệt vời - alive (adj) ≠ dead (adj) : còn sống ≠ đã chết - groom (n) : chú rễ
  10. * T or F ? 1. Rita’s father teaches her how to love, cry and laugh. T 2. Rita makes this card to send to her friend. F => Rita makes this card to send to her father. 3. Jane’s father was at her wedding. T 4. Jane’s father laughed a lot on her wedding day. F => Jane’s father cried on her wedding day. 5. Bob’s father is not different from others. F => He is different from others because of his sense of humor. 6. Bob is very proud of his father. T
  11. a)Rita sends this card to her father. b) He is possibly dead. These ideas may tell about that : “ how much you are missed and loved. I now have children, Dad, but I will always be your little girl!” c) His sense of humor different from others. d) A father is the best person in the world, a caretaker, a teacher, and a friend.