Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy - Lesson 4: Read - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng


1. What are Western countries consumers interested in?

->They are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money.

2.What can they do to spend less on lighting?

->They can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts to spend less on lighting.

3.  Mr. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and she pays US$8 for lighting. How much will she pay if she uses two energy-saving bulbs instead?

4. What is the purpose of labeling scheme?

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  1. Wednesday ,8th Februay, 2018 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY LESSON 4: READ Vocabulary: - (a) consumer : người tiêu dùng - (a) bulb : bóng đèn tròn - (a) company : công ty - (an) innovation : sự đổi mới - (to) replace : thay thế - (to ) conserve : bảo tồn
  2. Wednesday ,8th Februay, 2018 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY- LESSON 4: READ ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1. What are Western countries consumers interested in? ->They are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money. 2. What can they do to spend less on lighting? ->They can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts to spend less on lighting. 3. Mr. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and she pays US$8 for lighting. How much will she pay if she uses two energy-saving bulbs instead? ->She will pay US$2. 4. What is the purpose of labeling scheme? ->The labeling scheme helps the consumers know how energy efficiency the household appliances are. 5. Why should we save energy? ->Because when we save energy, we will save money and conserve the Earth’s resources.
  3. Moday ,8th Februay, 2018 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY LESSON 4: READ DISCUSSION : “What do we do to save energy at home?” =>Possible answers: -Use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs -Turn off the lights & TV, before leaving the room / house. -Keep the refrigerator door closed -Take a shower instead of bath
  4. HOMEWORK : 1. Learn vocabulary + read the text-> Vietnamese. 2. Do exercises a,b.P61 in your notebooks again. 3. Write some ways you do to save energy at home. 4. Prepare lesson 5: Write (a, b, c. P61-62) Vocabulary : - to sum up : - attention (unc) : - to draft : - solid (adj) : - separate (adj) :