Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy - Lesson 3: Read (P60, 61)

II. Reading

Say if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. In Western countries electricity, gas are necessariy.

2. Lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill in most of North American families.

3. Consumers can save US$5 per energy-saving bulb.

4. The label tells the consumers how much energy efficiency each model has.

5. These innovations won’t save any money.

ppt 21 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2280
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  1. Lesson 3: READ (P.60-61)
  2. A B 1. consumer a. bóng đèn tròn 2. light bulb b. người tiêu dùng 3. luxury c. nhãn mác, nhãn hiệu 4. innovation d. sự xa hoa, sang trọng 5. conserve e. bảo tồn 6. label f. sự đổi mới, sự cải tiến
  3. II. Reading In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but necessities. Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only work effectively, but also save money. For most North American households, lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill. However, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb. These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. Therefore consumers can save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb. In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers how much energy efficiency each model has, compared with other appliances in the same category. Ultimately, these innovations will save money as well as conserve the Earth’s resources.
  4. Which of the following is the best summary of the passage? (a/P.61) 1. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save electricity. 2. In Western countries electricity, gas, and water are necessities. 3. North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. 4. Labeling schemes help save energy. 3. North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources.
  5. 1. What are Western consumers interested in? They are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money.
  6. 3. What is the purpose of the labeling scheme? The purpose of the labeling scheme/ It is to tell the consumers how energy efficiency each model has
  7. 5. Why should we save energy? Because we can save money as well as conserve the Earth’s resources.
  8. We / use solar energy instead / electricity. We should use solar energy instead of electricity.
  9. We /use energy - saving bulbs instead of /bulbs. We should use energy-saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs.