Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 8: Films - Period 63: A closer look 2


1.Complete the sentences. Use although + a clause from the box.  (Ex. 1/p. 19)

a. they spent a lot of money  b. few people came to see it

c. it was a comedy               d. it is set in modern time   

 e. the acting is excellent

1.We enjoyed the film at the Ngoc Khanh cinema, .....................................................................

Although they spent a lot of money,

......................................................, it wasn’t a big success

Although the acting is excellent,

......................................................, I don’t enjoyed the film

1.I didn’t find it funny at all ................................................

2.The film is based on a book that was written twenty years ago, .................................................................

ppt 14 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 5360
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