Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 7: Traffic - Skills 2 - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

3. Now listen to the passage and choose the
correct answer.

São Paulo in Brazil has …………….

A. a large population  B. the worst traffic jams

C. good records 

2. Big cities often suffer from traffic jams …………

A. every day   B. in the evening   C. in the rush hour 

3. The main cause of the problem is …………..

A. Increase in population   B. narrow roads

C. poor-quality roads 

4. According to the passage , many road users ……

A. respect traffic rules   B. do not know traffic signs 

C. do not obey traffic rules 

ppt 28 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 920
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  1. Time1:005958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121009080706050403020111 out
  2. Traffic problems in big cities 1. Work in group Where do you think this picture was taken ? Why is it special ?
  3. 4. _ cause traffic Jams. AA. Increase in population B. Animals 5.Many road users ___ the traffic rules. AA. do not obey B. obey
  4. 3. Now listen to the passage and choose the correct answer. 1. São Paulo in Brazil has . A. a large population B. the worst traffic jams C. good records 2. Big cities often suffer from traffic jams A. every day B. in the evening C. in the rush hour 3. The main cause of the problem is A. Increase in population B. narrow roads C. poor-quality roads 4. According to the passage , many road users A. respect traffic rules B. do not know traffic signs C. do not obey traffic rules
  5. Beijing, China - August 2010 The traffic was 100 km, but it lasted for 11 days.
  6. 3. Write a paragraph about the traffic jam problems where you live or in a town or a city you know well. Use the cues above and the following outline. Introduction ___ Problem 1 ___ Problem 2 ___ Problem 3 ___ Conclusion: ___
  7. III. HOMEWORK: - Learn by heart new words. - Read again the conversation. - Do the exercises in the work book: 1, 2, 3 & 4 in part B p.4-5. - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 2: A closer look 1