Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Lesson 1: A1 (P107, 108) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Hứa Thị Thu Xương

Number the sentences.

a- The nurse weighed Hoa.

    b- Hoa returned to the waiting room.

    c- Hoa left the waiting room.  

    d- The nurse called Hoa’s name.

    e- The nurse measured Hoa.

    f - Hoa filled in her medical record.

    g- The nurse took Hoa’s temperature.

    h- The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room.

ppt 31 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2160
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Lesson 1: A1 (P107, 108) - Năm học 2019-2020 - Hứa Thị Thu Xương

  2. Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 1: A1, p. 107 - 108
  3. * Structures: Hoa - Nurse: - I need to weigh you. Would you get on the scales, please? - Hoa: OK. Form: 1. S + need(s) + to-Vo ? (need : cần) → diễn tả ai đó cần làm gì 2. Would you + Vo , please? (Bạn vui lòng ?) → yêu cầu ai làm điều gì một cách lịch sự Response: () OK / Sure/ All right. (x) I’m sorry. I can’t.
  4. Number the sentences. a- The nurse weighed Hoa. b- Hoa returned to the waiting room. c- Hoa left the waiting room. d- The nurse called Hoa’s name. e- The nurse measured Hoa. f - Hoa filled in her medical record. g- The nurse took Hoa’s temperature. h- The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room.
  5. * Number the sentences. 1 f) Hoa filled in her medical record. 2 d) The nurse called Hoa’s name. 3 c) Hoa left the waiting room. 4 g) The nurse took Hoa’s temperature. 5 e) The nurse measured Hoa. 6 a) The nurse weighed Hoa. 7 h) The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room. 8 b) Hoa returned to the waiting room.
  6. UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Lesson 2: B1, p. 110
  7. * Structures: Mr. Tan: What was wrong with you? Lan: I had a headache. Form: What + be + wrong + with + O (you/ her/ him/ ) ? → S + have/has/ had + (a/an) + name of sickness (tên bệnh). Meaning: bị gì ? Usage: hỏi và trả lời ai đó bị bệnh gì
  8. *Answer the questions (p.110) a/ Why didn’t Lan go to school yesterday? > Because she had a bad cold. b/ What was wrong with her? > She had a headache. c/ What does Mr.Tan tell Lan to do? > Mr Tan tells Lan to stay inside at recess. d/ What did the doctor say about Lan’s problem? > The doctor said that Lan had a virus. e/ Who wrote Lan’s sick note? > The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note.
  9. UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Lesson 1:A1 p. 114 - 115 17
  10. * Structures: I like I like So do I. chicken. chicken, too. * Too / So (cũng thế, cũng vậy) dùng trong câu khẳng định - too: đặt ở cuối câu, trước “too” có dấu “,” - So: đặt ở đầu câu và có đảo ngữ
  11. * Too / So (cũng thế, cũng vậy) dùng trong câu khẳng định - too: đặt ở cuối câu, trước “too” có dấu “,” - So: đặt ở đầu câu và có đảo ngữ * Either / Neither (cũng không) dùng trong câu phủ định - either: đặt ở cuối câu, trước “either” có dấu “,” - Neither: đặt ở đầu câu và có đảo ngữ
  12. 2. I like apples. I like apples, too. / So do I. 1 2 3 4
  13. 4. I like spinach. I like spinach, too. / So do I. 1 2 3 4
  14. 2. I don’t like durians. I don’t like durians, either./ Neither do I. 1 2 3 4
  15. 4. I don’t like pineapples. I don’t like pineapples, either./Neither do I. 1 2 3 4