Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 4: B3, 4 (P 104, 105) - Năm học 2019-2020


Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.

Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your others are fine.”

Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh is very pleased. Then Dr Lai sits down and talk to Minh again.

“ How often do you brush your teeth, Minh?” she asks. Minh looks worried again.

“ Oh, I . . .Well, sometimes I forget to brush my teeth.”

“ Try not to forget,” Dr Lai says. “ Brushing your teeth is very important. Clean teeth are healthy teeth!”

ppt 13 trang minhlee 04/03/2023 2420
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 4: B3, 4 (P 104, 105) - Năm học 2019-2020

  1. Match the phrases with the pictures. a. Don’t use an old toothbrush b. Brush your teeth regularly c. Don’t eat much 1 candy 2 d. Go to the dentist e. Have a toothache 3 4 5
  2. Vocabulary : - surgery (n): phòng phẩu thuật - to check : kiểm tra - kind (adj): tốt, tử tế - (to) smile at : mĩm cười - serious (adj): nghiêm trọng - to clean : làm sạch -> clean (adj) - notice (v): chú ý - (to) leave / left : rời khỏi
  3. 2. Who is he talking to? He is talking to Hoa.
  4. READ THE TEXT AND FILL IN THE GAPS: Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your others are fine.” Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh is very pleased. Then Dr Lai sits down and talk to Minh again. “ How often do you brush your teeth, Minh?” she asks. Minh looks worried again. “ Oh, I . . .Well, sometimes I forget to brush my teeth.” “ Try not to forget,” Dr Lai says. “ Brushing your teeth is very important. Clean teeth are healthy teeth!”
  5. GRAMMAR : Ex: A: Why does Minh go to the dentist? B: Because he has a bad toothache. Question word: Why ? : tại sao Because : bởi vì
  6. Tell some ways to take care of your teeth.
  7. HOMEWORK : - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Read the text & do the task again. - Prepare UNIT 11 : Lesson 1 : A1 (p 107) Vocabulary: medical check-up / temperature /normal / height / weigh