Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 9: Cities of the world - Lesson 1: Getting started - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

Mai: What nice photos! Have you been to all these places?

Tom: Yes, I’ve been to most of them. This is Rio de Janeiro. It’s an exciting city, but sometimes it’s very hot.

Mai: I s the weather there hotter than in Sydney?

Tom:  Oh yes! Sydney isn’t so hot. I’ve been to the beaches there many times with my family. They’re the cleanest and the most beautiful in the world!

Mai: Is this London? What bad weather!

Tom: Yes, we’ve been there twice. Can you see Big Ben? There are also modern buildings, like this egg-shaped building …

Mai:  And this must be Times Square in New York.

Tom: Y es! I’ve never been there. This photo is from my brother. It looks great, doesn’t it?

ppt 21 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 740
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  1. ENGLISH 6 WELCOME TO OUR CLASS Chúng ta tìm hiểu về các quốc gia và Now we go It’s so châu lục to the interting lesson
  2. I. Vocabulary • continent /ˈkɒntɪnənt/ (n): châu lục • major /ˈmeɪdʒər/ (a): lớn, quan trọng • egg-shaped /ˈeɡ-ʃeɪpt/ (a): có hình trứng • Africa /ˈæfrɪkə/ (n): châu Phi • Asia /ˈeɪʒə/- /ˈeɪʃə/ (n): châu Á • Antarctica /ænˈtɑːktɪkə/ (n): châu Nam cực • Europe /ˈjʊrəp/ (n): châu Âu • have been to (vp): đã đến • has been to (vp):
  3. Complete the sentences with the correct words 1. There are seven continents in the world. 2. Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City are the major cities in Viet Nam. 3. .Asia is the largest continent in the world. 4. Africa is the hottest continent on earth and it has the Sahara Desert. 5.Penguins live in Antarctica , the coldest place. 6. Finland is one of the countries in Europe .
  4. 1. Listen and read Mai: What nice photos! Have you been to all these places? Tom: Yes, I’ve been to most of them. This is Rio de Janeiro. It’s an exciting city, but sometimes it’s very hot. Mai: I s the weather there hotter than in Sydney? Tom: Oh yes! Sydney isn’t so hot. I’ve been to the beaches there many times with my family. They’re the cleanest and the most beautiful in the world! Mai: Is this London? What bad weather! Tom: Yes, we’ve been there twice. Can you see Big Ben? There are also modern buildings, like this egg-shaped building Mai: And this must be Times Square in New York. Tom: Y es! I’ve never been there. This photo is from my brother. It looks great, doesn’t it?
  5. 1 4 2 5 3 6 S li d e 3
  6. 4.All the buildings in London are old. F
  7. 1.Tom and Mai are reading a book. F
  8. 5.Tom has taken many photos of Times Square. F
  9. 7 châu lục của thế giới là Bắc Mỹ, Nam Mỹ, Nam Cực, Châu Âu, Châu Á, Châu Phi và Châu Đại Dương (Châu Úc). Một số người xem Bắc Mỹ và Nam Mỹ chỉ là 1 châu lục gọi là “Châu Mỹ”. Châu Âu và Châu Á đôi khi cũng được kết hợp lại và gọi chung là “lục địa Á-Âu”. Nói chung, số lượng châu lục được xác định theo quy ước chứ không theo bất kỳ tiêu chuẩn nghiêm ngặt nào.
  10. country continent city capital famous for Sweden Europe Stockhom, Stockhom beautiful lakes, Gothenburg mountains and valleys Japan Asia Yokohama, Tokyo Cherry Osaka and blossoms, Nagoya its politeness and good manners 1. Which country do you like? - I like Viet Nam. 2. Which continent is it in? - It’s in Asia. 3. What is it capital? - It’s Ha Noi. 4. What are its major cities? - They are Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. 5. What is it famous for? - It’s famour for rice and pepper.