Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 4: Communication - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

1. Sports quiz. Work in pairs. Do the quiz.

1. How many players are there in a football match? (Có bao nhiêu cầu thủ trong một trận bóng đá?)

2. How long does a football match last?(Trận bóng đá kéo dài bao lâu?)

3. How often are the Olympic Games held? (Thế vận hội được tổ  chức bao lâu một lần?)

4.Were there Olympic Games in 2011? (Có Thế vận hội vào 2011 không?)

5. How long is a marathon? (Cuộc thi chạy marathon dài bao nhiêu?)

6. Where were the first Olympic Games held? (Thế vận hội đầu tiên được tổ chức ở đâu?)

7. Which sports happens in a ring? (Môn thể thao nào diễn ra trong một sàn đấu?)

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 4: Communication - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

  1. Unit 8: Lesson 4: Communication (Page 21)
  2. COMMUNICATION 1. Sports quiz. Work in pairs. Do the quiz. 1. How many players are there in a football match? (Có bao nhiêu cầu thủ trong một trận bóng đá?) 2. How long does a football match last?(Trận bóng đá kéo dài bao lâu?) 3. How often are the Olympic Games held? (Thế vận hội được tổ chức bao lâu một lần?) 4.Were there Olympic Games in 2011? (Có Thế vận hội vào 2011 không?) 5. How long is a marathon? (Cuộc thi chạy marathon dài bao nhiêu?) 6. Where were the first Olympic Games held? (Thế vận hội đầu tiên được tổ chức ở đâu?) 7. Which sports happens in a ring? (Môn thể thao nào diễn ra trong một sàn đấu?)
  3. Suggested answer 1. Sports quiz. Work in pairs. Do the quiz. 6. Where were the first Olympic Games held? → The first Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. 7. Which sports happens in a ring? → Boxing.
  4. 3. Think of a sportsman/ sportswoman you like. Draw a picture of him/ her below. Talk about him/her with a partner. Use the following cues: (Kể cho bạn nghe về một vận động viên mà em thích) - his/her name (Tên anh ấy/ cô ấy) - the sport he/she plays (Môn thể thao anh ấy/ cô ấy chơi) - his/her past achievements (Thành tựu trong quá khứ) - why you like him/her? (Tại sao bạn thích anh ấy/ cô ấy?)
  5. Model talk 2: Rebecca Stevens was the first woman to climb Mount Everest. Before she went up the highest mountain in the world, she was a journalist and lived in South London. In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and travelled to Asia with some other climbers. She found that life on Everest is very difficult. "You must carry everything on your back," she explained, "so you can only take things that you will need. You can't wash on the mountain, and in the end I didn't even take a toothbrush. I am usually a clean person but there is no water, only snow. Water is very heavy so you only take enough to drink!" Rebecca became famous when she reached the top of Mount Everest on May 17, 1993. After that, she wrote a book about the trip and people often asked her to talk about it. She got a new job too, on a science programme on television.