Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

* Markers: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ đơn)


-Last (night / week / month / year / Christmas / Sunday / …)


-In + past year  (in 2010)

-In the past

-Since + S + V    (since I was young)

-When / while + Short actions in the past

  (When I saw him, he was eating an apple)

ppt 26 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 960
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  1. March 20, 2023 By: Ms.Trinh
  3. I. FORMATION: I / He / was She / It at school + We / You yesterday. were / They I / He/ was not She / It (wasn’t) at the beach last - We / You / were not week. They (weren’t) - Yes, he was Was I / he / she / it - No, he wasn’t ? hungry? Were we / you / they - Yes, they were - No, they weren’t
  4. * Interrogative: Verb (Wh-) Did + S + + O / C ? (in simple form) Ex: Did he go to school yesterday? Did they work in the garden yesterday? Did you buy a new pair of shoes last night?
  5. SUMMARY: Affirmative: Regular VERB (-ed) S + + O / C Irregular VERB (II) Negative: DID + NOT + Verb S + + O / C didn’t (in simple form) Interrogative: Verb (Wh-) Did + S + + O / C ? (in simple form)
  6. WE USE SİMPLE PAST TENSE TO TALK ABOUT 3. Habitual or repeated actions in the past, often goes with Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never). I always went to the beach when I lived in Nha Trang 5 years ago.
  7. RULES FOR ADDING –ed: • Add –ed to most verbs • Drop the “e” and add “ed” to verbs that end with “mute -e” (smile = smiled). • Change the “y” to “i” and add –ed to verbs that end with a consonant and “y” (vowel) (carry = carried, study = studied). • Double the consonant and add –ed to verbs that end with one vowel and one consonant ( drag= dragged, stop= stopped). • Be careful with verbs like Mix, Fix → Fixed.
  8. 1. Complete the sentences with did, was, or were. 1. The 2012 Olympic Games was___ held in London. 2. - Who ___was the first man on the Moon? - Neil Armstrong. 3. - I ___was at the gym last Sunday, but I ___did not see you there. - No, I ___was at my aunt’s house. 4. - Did___ you climb Mount Fansipan when you ___were in Sapa? - Yes, I ___did . It was___ tiring, but very interesting.
  9. 3. Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about last weekend. Now let’s make a survey to find out what the members in your group did last weekend, then I’ll call some of you to report your survey. Examples: A: Did you do any sport last weekend? B: Oh yes, and I was exhausted. A: Really? What did you do?
  10. IMPERATIVES (thể mệnh lệnh) Example: It’s chewing gum. Chew it. Don’t swallow it. a) Formation: (+) Verb + (Object / Complement). (-) Don’t + Verb + (Object / Complement). b) Usage: We use imperatives to tell someone to do something, or to give a direct order.
  11. 5. Tell your friends what to do and what not to do at the gym. Examples: - Change your clothes. - Don’t talk loudly. Some possible sentences: Pay your fee first. Put on your trainers/ sports shoes. Listen to the instructor carefully. Don‛t litter. Don‛t eat or drink at the gym.
  12. - Revise the grammatical points: + The Past Simple. + Imperatives. - Do exercise B1–7 (pages 10,11,12) in workbook - Prepare for Unit 8: COMMUNICATION.