Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 2: A closer look 1 (P 18)

Bước 1:  Phát âm âm /ɪ/

Lưỡi hạ thấp, môi mỉm cười

Bước 2:  Phát âm âm /ə/

Thu hẹp môi

Đưa lưỡi về phía sau 1 chút  

b/ Its recognition:

ear: near, hear, clear

ppt 32 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2140
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  2. Start10End123456789
  3. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I/ Vocabulary : 1/ Listen and repeat : 1. a ball 5. goggles 2. sports shoes 6. a racket 3. a boat 7. skis 4. a skateboard 8. a bicycle
  4. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 3/ Match the things with a sport/game : A B 1. bicycle a. running 2. ball b. swimming 3. sports shoes c. cycling 4. skis d. ball games 5. boat e. skiing 6. skateboard f. tennis 7. goggles g. sailing 8. racket h. skateboarding
  5. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 II/ Pronunciation : The sound /ɪə/ and /eə/ 1/ The sound /ɪə/ a/ How to make sound: ear /ɪə/ bear /beə/
  6. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 1/ The sound /ɪə/ c/ Practice : c.1/ Listen and repeat : /ɪə/ here /hɪə(r)/ fear /fɪər/ nearly /´nɪəli/ idea /aɪ´dɪə/ volunteer /vɒlən´tɪər/
  7. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 1/ The sound /ɪə/ c.2/ Match the word with its pronunciation : PERFECT PAIR 109876543210 tear /hiə/ hear /sfiə/ sphere /tʃiə/ cheer /tiə/
  8. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 2/ The sound /eə/ c/ Practice : c.1/ Listen and repeat : /eə/ where /weə/ there /ðeə/ fair /feə/ pair /peə(r)/ prepare /pri'peə/
  9. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 2/ The sound /eə/ c/ Practice : c.2/ Read and write the words : /skweə//steə//ʃeə//heə/ squaresharestairhair
  10. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 3/ The sound /ɪə/ and /eə/ a/ Read and say them aloud : Which one has /ɪə/ or /eə/ 1.A. air B. are C. I’m 2.A. physics B. feather C. aerobics 3.A. stay B. stair C. stadium 4.A. beer B. bird C. born 5.A. show B. share C. shine 6.A. sphere B. spring C. swim
  11. 3. A. stay B. stair C. stadium B. stair
  12. 6. A. sphere B. spring C. swim A. sphere
  13. 2. A. physics B. feather C. aerobics C. aerobics
  14. 5. A. show B. share C. shine B. share
  15. Unit 8: Sports and games Lesson 2: A closer look 1 - Find some words with /ɪə/ and /eə/ - Make sentences with them. - Prepare A closer look 2