Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 1: Getting started (P16, 17)

GAME: What programme is it?

Let’s try the game “What programme is it?”: We have two teams, A and B. One member from each team comes to the board without looking at the screen, listening to the other members in the group giving the explanation for different TV programmes. The one who guesses more correct words will be the winner. But one thing to remember, you mustn’t repeat the words in that programme’s name.

pptx 21 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 5420
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  1. Let’s try1.the A comedygame “What programmeprogramme is it?”: We have two teams, A and B. One member from each team2. Acomes gameto showthe board without looking at the screen3. ,Thelistening newsto the other members in the group giving4. The thesportsexplanation (news) for different TV programmes. The one who guesses more correct words5. An educationalwill be the winnerprogramme. But one thing to remember6. A weather, you mustn’t forecastrepeat the words in that programme’s name.
  2. D: Wow! This gym is great! M: Yeah, I really like coming here. The equipment is modern and the people are friendly. What sports do you do, Duong? D: Well, I can do a little karate, and I play table tennis. Last week I played with Duy and I won for the first time. M: Congratulations! How often do you do karate? D: Every Saturday. M: You’re very fit! I’m not good at many sports.
  3. a. Answer the following questions. 1. What sports can Duong do? He can play table tennis and do karate. 2. Who is going to learn karate? Mai is going to learn karate. 3. Why does Mai like going to the gym? Because the equipment there is modern and the people are friendly. 4. What happened last week? Duong played with Duy and won for the first time. 5. Where are they going to meet on Saturday? At the karate club on Pham Van Dong street.
  4. c. Work in pairs. Make a dialogue with the expressions. Then practise them. Example: 1.A2.: A:Ba:Wow Would Hi,! You’ve Mai you like got to a seenew a bike. movie with me tonight? Mai: Hello, Ba. How are you? B: BYes.: Sure. My mumWhere bought will we it meet? for me. She wants me Ba: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? to keep fit. AMai:: We’ll Fine, meet thanks. in front of the movie theater. B:Ba ___:Great Goodbye.! I’ll See see you you again. at 7p.m.Don’t be late. CanMai: you___See makeyou. a similar conversation? 3. Anna: Mom, I won the first prize in the English speaking contest. Mom: Congratulations___, dear! Anna: Thank you, Mom.
  5. 3. Using the words in 2, name these sports and games. 1. ___cycling 2. ___table tennis 3. ___running 4. ___swimming 5. ___chess 6. ___skiing
  6. 4. Work in pairs. Put the words from 2 in the correct groups. boxing Notes:fishing aerobics chess Playtable+ Sport tennis / Game karate cycling Do +swimming Exercise volleyball tennis Go +skiing V-ing running play do go ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
  7. 6. Work in pairs. Ask your partner these questions to find out how sporty they are. C 1. Can you swim? A. Yes B. No 2. Do you play outdoors every day? A.If Yesyour answers to theB. Noquestions are 3. Domostly you get“A”, up earlyyou andare dosporty morning. If exercise?they are Amostly. Yes “B”, do more sportB. Noand try to be 4. Whatmore doactive you usually. do at break time at school? A. Play in the schoolyard B. Sit in the classroom 5. What do you think of sports/games? A. Very good/useful B. A waste of time
  8. Please tell me what you have learnt today. Yes, through the lesson you can now improve your vocabulary on the topic “Sports and Games”. you can also tell about some of the sports activities and you know when to use “play”, “do”, “go” with activities.