Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Hệ 10 năm) - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 5: Skill 1

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé, is widely regarded as the best football player of all time. Pelé was born on October 21, 1940 in the countryside of Brazil. Pelé’s father was a professional football player and taught Pelé how to play at a very young age.

  Pelé began his career at the age of 15 when he started playing for Santos Football Club. In 1958, at the age of 17, Pelé won his first World Cup. It was the first time the World Cup was shown on TV. People around the world watched Pelé play and cheered.

  Pelé won three World Cups and scored 1,281 goals in his 22-year career. In 1999, he was voted

Football Player of the Century. Pelé is a

national hero in Brazil. During his career he

became well-known around the world as

“The King of Football”.

ppt 33 trang minhlee 06/03/2023 2390
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  1. 37303938353331291234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272836323440
  2. What is his name? How old is he? Do you know him? Where does he come from? Pelé, The King of Football
  3. Act 1: True (T) or False (F) 1. Pelé is 75 years old. F 2. He was born in the countryside of F Vietnam. 3. His father taught him how to play at T a very young age. 4. He won the 1st World Cup when he was 15. F 5. He won three World Cups. T
  4. Act 2: Read again and True (T) or False (F) True False 1. Pelé is 75 years old. √ 2. He was born in the countryside of √ Vietnam. 3. His father taught him how to play at √ a very young age. 4. He won the 1st World Cup when he was 15. √ 5. He won three World Cups. √
  5. 2. When did he become Football player of the century? a/ In 1989. b/ In 1999. 1 2 3 4 5
  6. 5. Why do people call him “The King of Football? a/ Because he is a good football player. b/ Because he can’t play football. 1 2 3 4 5
  7. 4. How often do you do go/do/play these sports ? Check √ to the correct column. Sports/ games Always Usually Sometimes Never 1. Jogging 2. Swimming 3. Badminton 4. Football 5. morning exercise 6. Skipping 7. Chess 8. Cycling 9. Skateboarding 10. skiing
  8. Make up the dialogues to ask and answer the question “How often do you .? A: How often do you go jogging? B: I always go jogging. Always. Do GoGomorningDo joggingPlayskiingskipping chess exercise AlwaysAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysAlways // usually usually// usually usually/ usually /often//often/ /often// often//often/ sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes / /never /never /never /never never
  9. 6.Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. 1. Do you like football? 2. Do you play football or only watch it? 3. What other sports do you play? Do you play them well? 4. Do you belong to any clubs?
  10. Fishing
  11. Skateboarding
  12. Unit 8: Sports and Games Lesson 6: Skill 2 Teacher:___
  13. I.Listening Exercise 2: Listen to passage again. Then write True (T) or False (F): 1. Hai plays chess everyday. F 2. “Angry Birds” is Bill’s favourite game. T 3. Alice doesn’t like doing sports very much. T 4. Trung is very good at playing football. . F 5. Bill’s dream is to creat a new game. T
  14. II.Writting Write about a sport/game you like. Use your own ideas and the following as cues. - Name of the sport/game. (Tên môn thể thao) - Is it a team or an individual sport/game? (Đó là môn thể thao cá nhân hay đồng đội?) - How long does it last? (Nó kéo dài trong bao lâu?) - How many players are there? (Có bao nhiêu người chơi?) - Does it need any equipment? (Cần những dụng cụ gì?) - What is this games’ rule about?
  15. Some word to need your passage 1, go cycling: đạp xe 2, favourite (adj): yêu thích 3, practise (v): tập luyện 4, ice skating: trượt băng 5,hobby (n): sở thích 6,be good at: giỏi cái gì 7, individual (adj): cá nhân 8,equipment (n): thiết bị, dụng cụ