Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 8: The world of work - Lesson 4: Speaking - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

Task 1. Tell your partner about the job. 



A lot of pressure

Kind and caring


I think the job of a doctor is very challenging. She has to work under a lot of pressure. The also involves a lot of interaction with patients, very important for a doctor to be kind, caring, and compassionate.

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  1. Welcome to our class
  2. Unit 8: THE WORLD OF WORK Lesson 4: Speaking Skills and qualities
  3. Task 1. Tell your partner about the job. Example Creative Self-motivated Hard - working Chef Good at planning menu and instructing cooks. I think a chef needs to be self-motivated, he working, and creative. He/She also needs to good at planning menus and instructing cooks. → S + needs to be + adj → S + needs to be good at + doing
  4. Task 1. Choose a job in the box and decide on the skills and qualities needed for the job. Tell your partner about the job. Jobs Skills Qualities Shop assistant Working in a team Polite Farmer Applying new skills Trustworthy Flight attendant Solving problems Self-motivated Chef Communicating ideas Confident Doctor Following orders Compassionate Engineer Working under pressure Energetic Teacher Meeting deadlines Enthusiastic Police officer Prioritising tasks Creative - S + needs to be + adj - S + needs to be good at + doing - S + has to + v - Very important for + O + to be + adj
  5. Task 2. Complete the conversation between Lan and Nam using the information in the box. Then practice the conversation in pairs. Nam: What kind of job would you like to have in the future? Lan: I’d like to work (1) as a chef Nam: Really? Why do you want to be a chef? Lan: Well, I think I have (2) the qualities needed to be a chef I’m (3) hard-working, creative, and self-motivated Nam: I agree. I’ve always admired your creativity. Lan: I am also good at (4) andplanning menus can (5) give clear instructions Nam: Yes, you have excellent communication skills. I hope you will become a master chef one day. Lan: Thank you. What about you? Nam: I don’t really know. My parents want me to study medicine, but I don’t think I’d like to be a doctor. I want (6) .instead.to be a teacher Lan: Great, but do you think you can be a good teacher. Nam: Actually, I’m very good at (7) science subjects I’m (8) .,friendly I love children, and I can (9) Mycommunicate my ideas very clearly to other people biology teacher also advised me to consider becoming a teacher. Lan: I think she is right. I believe that you will become a great biology teacher.
  6. Thank you