Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 15: Women in society - Part A: Reading - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

 I.Before you read:    a.Answer the questions:              1.How many roles does this woman have?

     2. Is her life typical of a Vietnamese woman’s life? Why/Why not?                                             b.Vocabulary:

-1. Civilization /,sivəlai'zeiʃn/ (n): a state of human society is very developed and organized (neàn vaên minh)

-2. childbearing (n): the process of giving birth to children (vieäc sinh con )

-3. involvement /in'vɔlvmənt/ (n): participation                           (söï tham gia)

-              4. Age of enlightenment /in'laitnmənt/ (n):  thôøi ñaïi                                              ñaïi  khai saùng

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 15: Women in society - Part A: Reading - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

  1. Tröôøng: THPT Nguyeãn Trung Tröïc Ngöôøi thöïc hieän : Traàn Thò Ngoïc Ngaân
  2. Exercise: Complete the sentences below, using the words from the box. look up turn off turn on give up 1. It’s dark in here. Can I the lights? 2. You can the new words in the dictionary. 3. John got ill and had to smoking 4. the lights when you are not using them.
  3. 5. homemaking (n): working at home and taking care of the house and family (vieäc chaêm soùc gia ñình) 6.- intellectual /,intə'lektʃuəl/ (adj): mind, understanding ( trí tueä ) Ex: She is very intellectual -7. Equal /'i:kwəl/ (adj): the same -8. Advocate /'„dvəkeit/ (v): agree, support ( taùn thaønh) -9. Discriminate /dis'krimineit/ (v):distinguish to treat (phaân bieät ñoái xöû) -10. struggle /'strʌgl/ (n): a fight Ex: the struggle for independence
  4. II. While you read: task 1: Finding the meaning of words 1. Human civilization: 2. Childbearing: 3. Involvement: 4. Age of Enlightenment: 5. Deep-seated cultural beliefs: 6. Homemaking: 7. Intellectual ability: 8. Equal work opportunity:
  5. Task 2: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to answer the following questions: 1. According to the text, what was the main role traditionally accorded to women? A. working in education B. building houses C. taking care of the house and family D. working in factory
  6. Task 2: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to answer the following questions: 3. According to the text, what is the purpose of the struggle for women’s right? A. to free women from housework B. to establish a friendly relationship between men and women C. to bring equality between men and women D. to argue that women have better intellectual ability
  7. Task 2: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to answer the following questions: 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as one of women’s legal right today? A. property right B. equal pay right C. equal employment opportunity rights D. the right to vote
  8. III./After you read: • A./Summarise the reading passage by writing ONE sentence for each paragraph.
  9. III. After you read: B.Play game: word search Rule: Read the words listed below. Find them in the puzzle and circle them
  10. Key: Word search women education rights childbearing society homemaking W O M E N F H A D H I Y E G T D O M V S E O K T H B O U K N O S J M P H K S K C L U T E V E O Y S I E A E H D A E M T B U D Y T G R C Y D A M U S O C I E T Y P I K D B W G R O V A M E T I E Q G E H N M B L G X N B W A P R E W N F B Z G S P C H I L D B E A R I N G R B O J E R T A F G J I