Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 5: Being part of ASEAN - Lesson 1: Getting started - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

Activity 2: What is the conversation about? Choose the best answer.

A. Preparation for a competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter

B. Discussion about the ASEAN Scholarships

C. The importance of ASEAN and its Charter

ppt 12 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 700
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 5: Being part of ASEAN - Lesson 1: Getting started - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

  1. Welcome to our class ENGLISH 11
  2. UNIT 5: BEING PART OF ASEAN Lesson 1: Getting started ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter
  3. Activity 2: What is the conversation about? Choose the best answer. A. Preparation for a competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter B. Discussion about the ASEAN Scholarships C. The importance of ASEAN and its Charter
  4. Activity 4: Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 1. Why does Bao Thy look worried? → She looks worried because her classmates know a lot more about ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter, and more confident than her. 2. How many members does ASEAN have? → As of 2010, it consists of ten member states, but it may get bigger because other countries have applied to join the bloc. 3. What are its aims and purposes? → ASEAN focuses on improving member states' economies, and maitaining regional peace and stability. 4. How does Singapore help other ASEAN countries? → It offers the Singapore Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarship to students from other ASEAN countries. 5. Why does Mr Lam want Bao Thy to tell him about the ASEAN Charter? → He wants her to tell him the main principles of the ASEAN Charter. 6. When will Mr Lam continue quizzing his daughter? → He'll continue quizing her tonight after work.
  5. Activity 5: Underline the phrases with the –ing form in the conversation. Compare the answers with your partner’s. 1. I’m thinking, I’m hoping( state verbs in continuous forms) 2. Thinking of participating, focus on improving maintaining(gerunds as objects after preposition) 3. Have practised answering, suggest reading, continue quizzing(gerunds as objects after some verbs)