Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 11: Sources of energy - Part A: Reading - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

TASK 1: Fill  each blank with a suitable word.

1.Six hundred balloons were                   at the ceremony.

2.They are looking for __________ methods of making it.

3.People use              to run machines, heat and cool their homes.

4. The food in the restaurant is cheap, but the choice is rather ______                 

5. Fuel supplies are nearly _________

ppt 30 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 680
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  1. What do you need energy for? We need energy for every daily activities.
  2. VOCABULARY energy ['enədʒi] (n) plentiful ['plentifəl] (adj): = power ['pauə] (n): năng nhiều lượng infinite ['infinət] (adj) reserve [ri'zə:v]: sự dự trữ = unlimited (adj): vô tận fossil fuel ['fɔsl] [fjuəl] (n): ? potential [pə'ten∫l] (n / adj): exhausted [ig'zɔ:stid](adj): tiềm năng, có tiềm năng cạn kiệt alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv] nuclear ['nju:kliə] (adj): ? (adj):thay thế geothermal heat [,dʒi:ou'θə:məl hi:t] (n) ? to make use of: sử dụng to make full use of: tận release [ri'li:s]: thải ra, phóng dụng ra
  3. TASK 1: Fill each blank with a suitable word. alternative - limited - energy- released - exhausted 1.Six hundred balloons were released at the ceremony. 2.They are looking for ___alternative methods of making it. 3.People use energy to run machines, heat and cool their homes. 4. The food in the restaurant is cheap, but the choice is rather ___limited 5. Fuel supplies are nearly ___exhausted
  4. Paragraph 2 Nuclear energy can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs for hundreds of years, but it can be very dangerous. Another alternative source of energy is geothermal heat, which comes from deep inside the earth. Scientists use this heat to make energy. However, this energy is available only in a few places in the world. Sources of Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s) energy Nuclear energy It’s plentiful It can be very dangerous Geothermal heat It is available available in only a few places
  5. Paragraph 4 The sun releases a large amount of energy every day. This energy can be changed into electricity. Many countries use solar energy for every day life. Solar panels on the roofs of houses can create enough energy to heat or cool an entire house. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe. Sources of Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s) energy solar energy plentiful, infinite, It’s only possible clean and safe during the day
  6. TASK 3: Answer the questions 1. What is our major source of energy ? 2. How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text, and which source of energy do you think has the most potential?
  7. How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text ? (What are they ?) Six sources of energy are mentioned in the text. They are : Fossil fuels, Nuclear power , Solar energy , Water power , Wind power, and Geothermal heat.
  8. coal2 oil gas3 FOSSIL1 FUElS SOURCES OF ENERGY nuclear solar power4 energy ALTERNATIVE water SOURCES 6 geothermal power heat5 wind power
  9. Homework 1.Learn new words by heart. 2. Prepare Part B : SPEAKING