Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Sách mới) - Unit 7: Further education - Lesson 4: Speaking - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

II. While speaking

Activity 2: choose the correct phrases (a-f) to complete the conversation.

1 – b. the best choice for us

2 – e. would you prefer

3 – a. I’d rather

4 – f.  Prefer online and distance courses

5 – d. one more thing to consider

6 – c. there are different choice for us

pptx 17 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 700
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  1. Unit 7: Further Education Lesson 4: Speaking 1
  2. An exchange student (n): / ən ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˈstjuː.dənt / sinh viên theo học chương trình trao đổi đào tạo 3
  3. Career-based courses (n) /kəˈrɪr-beɪst kɔːrs / khóa học nghề 5
  4. Cloud (n) /’klaʊd/ Dịch vụ lưu trữ đám mây 7
  5. New words - Distance learning: - An exchange student:Ex1: Fill phrases in the blank conversation. A: would you prefer to take ___?distance learning - A credit-based course: B: Yes. Because they allow students work and - Career-based courses:study simultaneously. What about you? A: I’d rather take ___.Career-based courses - Campus-based Because: I like cooking, I want to become a master chief. - Cloud: ➢ I’d rather = I would rather - Simultaneously➢: Would rather + V = would prefer to V: dùng để diễn tả một điều mình thích. 9
  6. II. While speaking Activity 2: choose the correct phrases (a-f) to complete the conversation. 1 – b. the best choice for us 2 – e. would you prefer 3 – a. I’d rather 4 – f. Prefer online and distance courses 5 – d. one more thing to consider 6 – c. there are different choice for us 11
  7. Activity 3: Answer the questions 1. Because higher education will help students to gain knowledge and critical thinking skills and a bachelor’s 1. Why does Minh think that entering degree will help them to find a job more university after secondary school is the easily. best choice? 2. Because students need some skills for 2. Why does Anna prefer career-based getting a job before they can decide if courses? they want to pursue an undergraduate course or not. 3. What are the modes of attendance mentioned in conversation? 3. They are campus-based, part time, full- time, and online. 4. What is one of the advantages of ‘cloud’ learning? 4. “Cloud” learning allows students to work and study simultaneously. 5. How can credit-based courses benefit students? 5. They provide students with more flexible programmes and schedules. 13
  8. IV. Consolidation 1. What have you learnt 1. Vocabulary related to further today? education 2. What can you do now? 2. Making a conversation based on the sample 15