Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Preserving the environment - Lesson 2: Language - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

- now  - then

- today / tonight  - that day / that night

- tomorrow  - the following day / the next day

- next week / month…  - the     following  week / month…


- yesterday  - the previous day / the day before

- last week /month…  - the      week before /the month before…

                                                     previous week / month ….

- ago  - before

- right now  - at once

- here  - there

- this / these  - that / those

pptx 21 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 680
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  1. Lesson 2 Language: REPORTED SPEECH
  2. 1. Changes in pronouns. Câu trực tiếp Câu tường thuật - I / me / my He / him / his ( nếu chủ từ “S” câu tường thuật là “he” or nam). She / her / her ( nếu chủ từ “S” câu tường thuật là “she” or nữ). - We / us / our They / them / their - You / you / your I / me / my (nếu tân ngữ “O” câu tường thuật là “me”) He / him / his (nếu “O” câu tường thuật là “him” or nam) She / her / her (nếu “O” câu tường thuật là “her” or nữ) We / us / our ( nếu “O” câu tường thuật là “us”) They / them / their (nếu “O” câu tường thuật là “them” or N số nhiều)
  3. 3. Changes in tenses of verbs - HTĐ - QKĐ Vs/es; V1 V2/ed don’t / doesn’t Vo didn’t Vo am / is / are was / were - HTHT - QKHT have / has + V3/ed had + V3/ed - QKĐ - QKHT V2/ed had V3/ed didn’t Vo hadn’t V3/ed were/was had been - can - could may might will would must Vo had to Vo - could /would /should /used to không đổi
  4. Exercise 2. Change these sentences into reported speech. During a group discussion on environmental threats, 1. Nam said, “The environment is severely affected by pollution.” 2. Mai said to Nam, “The burning of fossil fuels results in air pollution.” 3. Peter said to his friends, “Pesticide sprays make the soil polluted.” Yesterday, in class 10cb2, during an English period, . 4. The students said to their teacher, “ We finished our exercises a few minutes ago.” 5. The teacher said to her students, “ I will check your answers next time.”
  5. Exercise 3. Change the conversation into direct speech. Nam told Peter that he would introduce Mai to him. Peter told Mai that he was pleased to meet her. Mai told Peter that she hoped Peter was enjoying his visit to the country. Peter said that he liked the friendly environment of the country . - Nam said to Peter , “ ” - Peter said to Mai , “ ” - Mai told Peter, “ ” - Peter said, “ ”
  6. 2. Complete the table with the words from the box. Verb Noun 1. protect Protection 2.Preserve preservation 3. contaminate Contamination 4.Consume consumption 5. deforest Deforestation 6. pollute Pollution 7. deplete depletion
  7. Grammar : Reported speech 1. Read the following sentences from the conversation between Nam and his father in GETTING STARTED. Write the name of the speakers. • 1. Nam • 2. the editor • 3. Nam • 4. Nam’s father • 5. Nam • 6. Nam’s father
  8. Pronunciation 1. The words in the box are three-syllable nouns. Listen and repeat. Can you add two more, using the words from the VOCABULARY section 3? • article animal editor • influence pollution scientist • solution chemical confusion • protection energy atmosphere
  9. - Review lesson - Do exercises in textbook on page 44 + 45