Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 8: New ways to learn - Reading: Digital English - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

Eg:I have an old mobile phone. I use it for communication only. Some of my classmates have more modern smartphones and laptops. So they use these devices to record materials, look up new words, download and store digital lessons and practise. The devices help them improve their pronunciation and vocabulary.
ppt 19 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 700
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 8: New ways to learn - Reading: Digital English - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

  1. Look at the pictures and answer questions.
  2. Task 2: Matching each of the words or phrases with its meaning instructionvoice recognition(np)/ (n)/ in'strʌk∫n vɔis/ :lờirekəg'ni∫n chỉ dẫn/:nhận dạng tiếng nói mediaeffective(a)/•portable(a)/application/ player(np)/ i'fektiv 'pɔ:təblapp(n):/1- 'mi:diəc; /:có2/:xách -æpli'kei∫nd; hiệu'pleiə 3tay -quả/a; thiêt /:ứng4- bịe; dụngđa 5 phương-f; 6- btiện
  3. • In the age of technology, you can take advantage of new applications which are very useful for learning English. • One way is to download free digital lessons and put them in your media player or other similar mobile devices. Then you can listen and study anywhere because these devices are portable • Many devices offer apps which use voice recognition technology. This technology allows the use of speaking electronic dictionaries. You I can see words on the screen and hear them spoken. Other devices may have word lists, exercises, tests and games. • There is also software that can help improve your pronunciation. You can choose to practise with different native English speakers. Some English learning software offers a choice of accents and genders of the speakers. This software can be used with different kinds of media players. • Many electronic mobile devices can work as recorders or cameras. They can be used to record real-life English speech, lessons, songs or English language films from television or the Internet. This is also an excellent way to learn English because these recordings can be used again and again. • New technology opens new ways to learn. Choose a device that suits your learning style. This will make learning English easier, faster, more effective and more enjoyable.
  4. Task 4:Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How convenient are digital lessons? s 2 What can you do with speaking electronic dictionaries? 3 How can software help improve your pronunciation? How can English learners use mobile devices as recorders 4 or cameras? 5 Why do you need to choose a device that suits your learning style?
  5. Task 4:Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 2 What can you do with speaking electronic dictionaries? -We can see words on the screen and hear them spoken.
  6. Task 4:Read the conversation again and answer the questions. How can English learners use mobile devices as 4 recorders or cameras? -They can use them to record real- life English speech, lessons, songs or English language films from television on the internet.