Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 8: New ways to learn - Lesson 2: Language - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng


I'm looking for a secretary who can use a computer well. 

The witnesses whom I interviewed gave conflicting evidence.

Drama in schools is particularly good for students for whom English is a second language

The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom

This is the book which I like best.

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  1. Unit 8: New ways to learn Pronunciation and Grammar Pronunciation: stress in three- syllable words Grammar: relative clauses
  2. ∕ ∕ ∕ ate : educate concentrate ∕ ∕ ∕ personal al : digital ∕ ∕ ∕ ic : republic symbolic ∕ ∕ ∕ ion: decision position ∕ ∕ ∕ community ity: ability
  3. ∕ ∕ beauty + ful = beautiful ∕ ∕ lucky + ness = luckiness ∕ ∕ attract + ive = attractive ∕ ∕ danger + ous = dangerous
  4. Rule of game
  5. 01 A. animal B. celebrate C. carefully D. discussion
  6. 03 A. specific B. beautiful C.pollution D. emotion
  7. 05 A. article B. majority C. chocolate D. several
  8. 08 A. kangaroo B. Japanese C. national D. engineer
  9. 10 A. affective B. numerous C. physical D. normally
  10. 1. RELATIVE CLAUSE Ex I'm looking for a secretary who can use a computer well. The witnesses whom I interviewed gave conflicting evidence. Drama in schools is particularly good for students for whom English is a second language The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom This is the book which I like best.
  11. Defining relative clauses Non- defining relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ xác định) ( mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định) Example: The man who came to That man, who came to visit us is a doctor visit us , is a doctor +Non defining relative clause must be separated off by . commas.
  12. I. Choose the best answer (A,B,C,D) 1. Personal electric devices distract students from their class work are banned in most schools A. who √ B. which C. whose D. whom 2. The laptop cover is decorated with funny animals belongs to my aunt. A. Which B. who √ C. Whose D. whom 3. My tablet, is two years old, still works well A. Whose √B. which c. who D. that 4. Students have smartphones can use them to look up words in an electronic dictionary A. whom B. which √c. who D. whose 5. Long, is only two and a half, likes to play games on the tablet. A. Which B. that √ c. who D. whose
  13. 11. We saw many soldiers and tanks ___were moving to the front. A. Which B. whose C. Which √ D. that 12. Mr . Brown , ___is only 34, is the director of this company A. Which B. whose √C. who D. that 13 .You are the very man I would like to see A. Whose B. which √ c. that D. who 14. Mai is a girl is wearing a read dress. A. That B. which √ c. who D. whose 15. It is the first student comes to the class A. Whose B. which c. who √D. that