Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 7: Cutural diversity - Lesson 3: Reading - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the table.

1.This altar is used to worship our...................You know, my son?

2.Do you believe in .........................?

3.There are many.....................around us but we can’t explain why.

4. I am...........................about the number 13. It’s bad. And you?

5. He is rich and.........................I admire him so much

6. My mother and I often go to pagoda on Tet as a religious.............

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  1. Do you believe in these things ? If your answer is “yes” and follow them, you are superstitious.
  2. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING VOCABULARY According to superstition breaking a mirror brings bad luck. Superstition (n) [,su:pə'sti∫n] Sự tín ngưỡng, mê tín Superstitious (adj) [,su:pə'sti∫əs] mê tín
  3. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING VOCABULARY Ritual (n) ['rit∫uəl] Lễ nghi
  4. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING VOCABULARY Ancestor (n) ['ænsistə] Tổ tiên
  5. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING VOCABULARY Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the table. Prestigious ritual mystery superstition ancestor uperstitious 1. This altar is used to worship our Youancestor know, my son? 2. Do you believe in ?superstition 3. There are many mysteries around us but we can’t explain why. 4. I am aboutsuperstitious the number 13. It’s bad. And you? 5. He is rich and IPrestigious admire him so much 6. My mother and I often go to pagoda on Tet as a religious ritual
  7. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? 2. Read the text and answer the following questions by circling the best option A, B, C, or D 1. What is true about Vietnamese society ? A. Only few people in Viet Nam are superstitious. B. People used to be superstitious in the past, but not now C. Superstitions are part of life for the majority of Vietnamese people. D. All people in Viet Nam are superstitious. 2. How does the writer explain the origin of Vietnamese Superstitions ? A. They are based on scientific research. B. Viet Nam is located in part of the world where many mysteries and legends exist. C. Superstitions are beliefs about the Supernatural. D. These are government rules that everyone must follow.
  8. UNIT 7: - SKILLS: READING ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? 3. Discuss the following with a partner. A: Are you a superstitious person? Why/Why not? B: I’m also a superstitious person. I don’t sweep the floor on three first days of the new year.