Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 7: Cultural diversity - Language - Trường THCS & THPT Mỹ Hòa Hưng

2. Circle the correct words in brackets to complete the sentence:

1. My cousin’s (marriage/wedding) is next Sunday.

2. On the wedding day, the best man is expected to help the (groom/bride).

3. The (groom/bride) can have as many bridesmaids as she wants.

4. There is a wedding (proposal/reception) for all guests after the wedding ceremony.

5. There will be about 100 (grooms/guests) at my cousin’s wedding.

6. In the past, the proposal and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years (before/ after) the wedding.

7. My brother got (engaged/married) to one of his friends from college and started saving for the big day.

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  1. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE VOCABULARY engagement
  2. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE VOCABULARY bridegroom
  3. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE VOCABULARY religious
  4. UNIT 7: - GETTING STARTED VOCABULARY 1. Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again. Match the words/phrases with their definitions: 1. proposal a. a woman who is getting married or about to get married 2. engagement b. a formal party to celebrate something 3. wedding c. a man who is getting married or about to get married d. a ceremony at which two people are married to 4. reception eachother 5. bride e. a fomal agreement or promise to get married 6.bridegroom/ f. a fomal social or religious occasion performed in groom accordance with customs 7. ceremony g. a plan or suggestion; an offer of marriage 1.g 2.e 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.f
  5. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE PRONUNCIATION 1. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the stress patterns: ● ● ● ● Increase (v) Increase (n) Decrease (v) Decrease (n) Perfect (v) Perfect (a) Present (v) Present (a, n) Import (v) Import (n) Export (v) Export (n) Protest (v) Protest (n) Object (v) Object (n) Rebel (v) Rebel (n) Contrast (v) Contrast (n)
  6. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives Comparative Short Adj: S + be + adj + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun V adv My brother is taller than you. He runs faster than me. Long Adj: S + be + more + adj + than + Noun/ Pronoun V adv Lara is more beautiful than her older sister. My wife woke up earlier than me this morning.
  7. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives Câu so sánh với tính từ ngắn theo quy tắc Thêm er/ est Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 phụ âm hoặc e tall taller the tallest large larger the largest Tính từ kết thúc với 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm big bigger the biggest sad sadder the saddest Tính từ kết thúc bởi y happy happier the happiest tidy tidier the tidiest
  8. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives 1. Do you agree with the following statements? 1.Living in your country is more interesting than living abroad. I agree. There are so many beautiful landscapes for me to discover in my country. 2.Wedding ceremonies are less complicated now than they used to be in the past. I agree. The time of preparation is shorter and you don’t have to prepare too many things. 3.The biggest expense of a wedding is the reception. I agree. The modern wedding usually takes place in restaurants or hotel which couples too much. 4.No one is happier than the bridegroom on the day of his wedding. He is the happiest person on that day. I agree but the bride is the happiest person on that day, too. 5.The bride is the most beautiful woman on her wedding day. I agree. 6.It’s much better to have a small wedding and save money. I don’t agree. The wedding is the biggest day of bride and groom. They can ask in family’support for nice wedding, not very wasteful but not very small.
  9. UNIT 7: - LANGUAGE grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives 2. Write five sentences comparing the two weddings in the table below. Using the comparative form of the adjectives in the box and than. 1. Guests in Mr Smith’s wedding is more crowded than in Mr Long’s wedding. 2. Mr Smith’s wedding reception was more expensive than Mr Long’s. 3. Mr Smith is older than Mr Long. 4. The engagement of Mr Smith’s wedding is less longer than Mr Long’s wedding. 5. The service rating in Mr Smith’s wedding is better than Mr Long’s wedding.
  10. HOMEWORK 1. Learn by heart the words. 2. Prepare for the next lesson.