Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 6: Gender equality

I. Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others.


Question 1. A. inspire B. person C. major D. female
Question 2. A. support


B. window

C. pursue D. employ
Question 3. A. party B. workforce C. accept D. student
Question 4. A. freedom B. fighter C. image D. admire
Question 5. A. problem B. open C. correct D. follow
Question 6. A. police B. famous C. courage D. office


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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 6: Gender equality

  1. UNIT 6. GENDER EQUALITY Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 chương trình mới Mục tiêu: - Củng cố kiến thức ngữ âm, từ vựng và ngữ pháp unit 6 - Rèn luyện và nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài tập tự luận và trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh I. Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others. Question 1. A. inspire B. person C. major D. female Question 2. A. support B. window C. pursue D. employ Question 3. A. party B. workforce C. accept D. student Question 4. A. freedom B. fighter C. image D. admire Question 5. A. problem B. open C. correct D. follow Question 6. A. police B. famous C. courage D. office II. Complete the following sentences, using the phrases given in the box in the correct form. Make changes to the word forms when necessary. get more important satisfy their children's needs join the army promote gender equality become a childcare worker have a preference Question 7. My cousin is thinking of because he loves young children. Question 8. The government has done a lot to in education, employment and healthcare. Question 9. The old man during the war and left one arm on the battlefield. Question 10. In the past, some parents for boys over girls. Question 11. Women's salaries are to their household income. Question 12. Working mothers help their husbands . III. Choose the correct passive modals a – f in the boxes to complete sentences.
  2. contributed to the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organisation for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers and helped inspire others. In 1937, she mysteriously disappeared during a flight. Even today, her life and career remain fascinating to many people. Question 25. Kansas is a state located in the Western United States. Question 26. Amelia Mary Earhart was interested in Literature. Question 27. She worked as a pilot right after finishing school. Question 28. Earhart enrolled in medical studies, but quit after one year and soon started taking flying lessons. Question 29. She also contributed to the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organisation for pilots. Question 30. Her life and career are still fascinating to many people. VI. Read the text about Education and Gender Equality. Fill each blank with an appropriate word from the box. a. equality b. well-paid c. knowledge d. decisions e. women Education helps (31) win equality. First, education gives women knowledge necessary for their lives. It is impossible for a woman to be a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer without adequate (32)___ . Education realises women's dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men. Second, education shapes women's character. It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. Women with strong characters often make (33) about their own lives without being dependent on their husbands. Finally, education improves women's position both at home and in society. Educated women are more likely to get (34) jobs, earn more money and become more important at home. They can join political activities