Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: For a better community - Lesson 3: Reading - Đặng Thị Thùy

Activity1 : People do volunteer works for diffrent reasons. Tick(ü) the reasons you think you may find in the text, put a cross(X) for the others

a.They want to do something good for others.

b. Volunteers have a chance to interact with new cultures, try new good, meet new people, and speak new languages.

c. Volunteers become more concerned and aware of the problems facing the world.

d. Volunteers feel the pride that comes from completing something.

e. Volunteer work is a great way to gain experience in a broad range of fields.

f. Volunteer work can often lead to a paid job. 

ppt 21 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 1540
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  1. They are helping the disadvantaged children
  2. They are repairing the road
  3. They are cleaning the environment
  4. Period 32 Unit 4: FOR A BETter COMMUNITY Lesson3: READING
  5. Activity 2: Read the text and check if your predictions in activity1 are correct. People volunteer for a number of different reasons. One of the more obvious reasons why volunteer is because they find something they are passionate about and want to do somethingwant to do good something for others. good for others. 1___. Many people who volunteern think that they are very fortunate to live the way they do and want to give something back to society, as a way of balancing the scales. Many people choose to volunteer because of the personal benefits that volunteering has on their character. 2___. In most cases, volunteersvolunteersalsoalso become become more more concerned concerned and and aware aware of theof the problems problems facingfacing thethe worldworld andand many many feel feel that that they they were were ignorant ignorant or narrow or -minded before. VolunteerVolunteer work work is is a a great great way way to to gain gain experience experience inin a a broad broad range range of offields. .3___. Volunteering is a great way to put in a little of your time and gain some valuable skills, whether professional practical. Volunteer work can be often lead to a paying job. Volunteers can try a field to see if it suits them and also show that they are dedicated enough to work for free inVolunteer the hope thatworkit can may be lead often to lead a paid to a jobpaying. job 4___
  6. • Activity 3. Look at the highlighted in the text and choose the correct meaning. 1. obvious A. clear B. unclear C. important 2. fortunate A. unlucky B. lucky C. wealthy 3. concerned A.tired B. bored C. worried 4. narrowed- minded A.open to different people B. not open to different opinions C. Open to different opinions 5. dedicated A.devoted B. excited C. interested 6. try out A. challenge B. test C. answer 7. suit A. go out with B. go out of C. go well with
  7. Activity5: Group work. Discuss one of the following topics 1.What do you do as volunteers? 2.The best way to volunteer is to give people money when they need it. Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Why/ why not?
  8. • There is a saying that: When you give them fish They will eat today If you teach them how to fish They will eat whole life