Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: Better community - Lesson 1: Getting started - Đoàn Thị Hương Thảo

Lesson 1: Getting started. Who needs our help?

  Use the lexical items related to the topic. “For a better community”.

  Read for specific information about reason why people do volunteer work.

  Make dialogue with some expressions

pptx 15 trang minhlee 14/03/2023 680
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  2. There is a saying . “If you give me a fish, I will eat today. If you teach me to fish, I will eat my whole life long”
  3. Activity 2: Elicit the dialogue Can you predict the content of this picture? Who is the teacher? (look at him, his blue shirt ) What are the people doing in the picture? What do you think about their activities? Do you want to try this job? Why?
  4. Which work is a volunteer work? 1. Taking part in an excursion. × ٧ .Helping people in remote or mountainous areas .2 ٧ Giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick .3 4. Participating in an English speaking club. × ٧ .Providing education for disadvantaged children .5 6. Joining the Green Saturday Movement. ٧ ٧ .Blood donation .7 ٧ .Helping the people who have suffered badly in natural disasters .8
  5. Activity 4: Make a dialogue using the expressions When do we use these expressions? 1. That sounds great. * We use this to express something is interesting 2. Not really. * When we want to express something is not like as the first 3. by chance. * Something happens accidentally, no intention. 4.Well, *It is used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, resignation or relief
  6. Fill in each blank with a suitable expression: by chance/ well/ that sounds great/ not really Huy: Daddy, I’ve got a surprise for you. Daddy: Really? What’s that? Huy: Well, I was chosen to be a volunteer this summer in Bac Kan province. Daddy: That sounds great! Did your teacher offer you the job? Huy: Not really. I got it by chance. I saw an advertisement online, I applied and they accepted me Daddy: What will you do to help people there? Huy: I think I can help them to harvest crops and help children to learn. Daddy: Good! I’’m sure you will have a meaningful summer! Huy: Thanks, Dad!
  7. Homework Read the dialogue again and translate it into Vietnamese Prepare next lesson