Bài giảng Giảng dạy kiến thức học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Relative clauses


Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề phụ hay còn gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ (adjective clause). Nó thường bổ nghĩa cho 1 danh từ đứng trước nó.Mệnh đề quan hệ bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ như WHO, WHOM, WHICH, …

EX: The woman



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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Giảng dạy kiến thức học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Relative clauses

  2. RELATIVE CLAUSES (Mệnh đề quan hệ) I. Định nghĩa. II. Cách sử dụng và vị trí của đại từ quan hệ. III. Phân loại IV. Bài tập áp dụng.
  4. RELATIVE PRONOUNS EX2: The student is nice. She won in the English Speaking Contest. → The student who won in the English Speaking Contest is nice. EX3: There are some children.children I see them standing over there. → There are some children who I see standing over there.
  5. RELATIVE PRONOUNS EX2: The man is walking in the park. I was telling you about himhim. → The man about whom I was telling you is walking in the park. EX3: This is the doctordoctor. I met the doctor at the party last night. → This is the doctor whom I met at the party last night.
  6. RELATIVE PRONOUNS EX2: These are the booksbooks. You gave them to me yesterday. → These are the books which you gave to me yesterday. EX3: Do you know the meaning of the wordword? It is underlined. → Do you know the meaning of the word which is underlined?
  7. RELATIVE CLAUSES 2. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non - defining relative clause): Là mệnh đề không cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu. Bỏ nó đi mệnh đề chính vẫn đủ nghĩa. Mệnh đề không xác định được tách với mệnh đề chính bằng một hoặc hai dấu phẩy. EX: Shakespeare, who wrote Romeo and Juliet, died in 1616. Non- defining relative clause
  8. Subjects Objects For people WHO WHO / WHOM For things / WHICH WHICH animals 1. Danh từ chỉ người WHO + (S) + V 2. Danh từ chỉ người + (giới từ) WHOM + S + V 3. Danh từ chỉ vật WHICH + (S) + V
  9. I. Choose the best option: 6. Mr. Brown, ___ is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital. A. who B. whom C. which 7. Hawaii, ___ consists of 8 principal islands, is a favourite vacation spot. A. whom B. who C. which 8. I thanked the woman ___ helped me. A. which B. who C. whom 9. The movie ___ we saw last night wasn’t very good. A. which B. whom C. who 10. She is the woman about ___ I told you. A. who B. whom C. which
  10. I. Choose the best option: 1. An architect is the person ___ designs buildings. A. who B. whom C. which 2. The girl to ___ I lent my money is poor. A. who B. whom C. both A&B 3. I can answer the question ___ you say is very difficult. A. which B. who C. whom 4. The boy ___ Mary likes is my son. A. what B. which C. whom 5. The man ___ I met at the meeting yesterday was Mr. Jones. A. what B. whom C. which
  11. I. Choose the best option: 11. Mary, ___ sits next to me, is good at maths. A. which B. what C. who 12. Is this the school bag ___ you were looking for? A. who B. which C. whom 13. The detective lost sight of the man ___ he was following. A. whom B. what C. which 14. Is this the article ___ you were interested in? A. who B. whom C. which 15. That is Jack, ___ lives in a big city. A. whom B. who C. what
  12. II. Combine the two sentences into one. Using who, whom or which: 6. The taxi driver was friendly. The taxi driver took me to the airport. 7. The music was good. We listened to music last night. 8. The students are from China. I meet the students in the meeting. 9. I had many friendsfriends. They visited my grandparents last summer. 10. Sydney is a big city. It has a population of over 3 million.
  13. II. Combine the two sentences into one. Using who, whom or which: 6. The taxi driver was friendly. The taxi driver took me to the airport. The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly. 7. The music was good. We listened to music last night. The music to which we listened last night was good. 8. The students are from China. I meet the students in the meeting. The students who/whom I meet in the meeting are from China. 9. I had many friends. They visited my grandparents last summer. I had many friends who visited my grandparents last summer. 10. Sydney is a big city. It has a population of over 3 million. Sydney, which has a population of over 3 million, is a big city.